Tier lists only cause problems in game. Even back in BC, sure some classes did a bit better in certain areas like some did better single target and some did better multiple. Its how the game was designed to overall balance a team out.
I’m cursed to classic only classes, was leaving high school when wotlk came out and trying to play a dk is like doing advanced calculus, every ability has a paragraph of what it does, and every warrior ability is just “hits enemy for 426 dmg”
As a blood DK…. Maybe It’s time I dps a biiiit
Fake list with random stuff. Ret pally is on it twice
How is arcane getting a buff and warlock is getting another nerf… Were already at the bottom
I play monk windwalker
you should be force-fed feces for making this video
If ret pala is s..
This means blizzard realy fk all balance….ret should be lower
Nice to see Frost DKs get a resurgence
Tier lists only cause problems in game. Even back in BC, sure some classes did a bit better in certain areas like some did better single target and some did better multiple. Its how the game was designed to overall balance a team out.
Ret pala disgusting noob spec
DK Meta AF 🔥
Bullshit invite any warrior
I’m cursed to classic only classes, was leaving high school when wotlk came out and trying to play a dk is like doing advanced calculus, every ability has a paragraph of what it does, and every warrior ability is just “hits enemy for 426 dmg”
At least for once frost dk is good and playable. Just way too much haha
Good thing i'm playing a monk and a druid
Always the same classes.
فقط جمله آخر امین خان😂😂😂😂
People still play this shit?
Yeah we should nerf ele again
Mained frost dk since wrath, y’all are new to the party so enjoy the top spot, we won’t be here long
Ps mage tower appearance separates the true frost dk’s from the flavour of the month DK’s
mage and aug still on top good job blizzard……..
Look leaderboard second Place is protwarri/rogue/sv/fdk/resto sv is extrem strong atm.