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– “One King to Rule Them All” – Battle Music
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Sauron taking the throne of the Lich king after defeating him was something
Ive watched this one several times because its amazing, but i just realized they missed the perfect chance once the fight finished to say "but the power of the ring could not be undone."
It 's lame that they put a God amongst a mortal, and the mortal lost. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Im kinda sad lich king didnt use his raging soul ability more… its such a pain to deal with.
And where are all his undeads?! (Except ghosts that i saw)
I mean sauron was basically invincible with the ring, the only way to defeat him was to destroy the ring. Also no man can kill him and arthus is a man so yeah.
Yes the one has all power 😂😂😂
Sauron sounds like Noob Saibot
just a thought…. but how many people think they oughta put varian wrynn in a death-battle?
ask both creator they might still be hiding something from what you are aware of!?
It is very amusing to watch them poorly explain Lord of The Rings lore.
Why tf does he say impossible like an angel getting beat by a surveillance camera
Mordekaiser would be crushed by both of them and Valdemort would be smashed by Mordekaiser, so a dark lord battle royale is unnecessary. Sauron ftw
overlord vs sauron
I feel like Sauron is stronger 1v1, however, when it comes to their numbers, their armies are pretty equal in numbers, but Arthas's will grow as the fight progresses. Sauron probably has slight stronger elite power in Nazgul than Arthas, however, I would bet Sindragosa over any Nazgul other than Witch King, not to mention other absolutely impressive creatures by his side.
-Lich King vs Sauron – Sauron has an edge.
-Amies – Undead have an edge, in the fact that their numbers will grow as battles go on. Not to mention, Sauron's arm will eat anything, Undead plague would devastate them.
Sauron – Witch King, Saruman, 8 Nazgul, while there are some more commanders, like Gothmog, I do not think they are note worthy.
Arthas – Kel'Thuzad, Anub'Arak, Sindragosa (and a coupe more note worthy).
Fight 1) Kel'thuzad vs Witch King – Even fight, but I think Kel that required the power of Sunwell itself just to resurrect him, has more power up his sleeve. not to mention, Kel definitey would be able to destroy/trap Witch King despite the prophecy.
Fight 2) Sindragosa vs 3 Nazgul, I would say that is a fair matchup, any less Nazgul on winged serpents would lose to her quickly.
Fight 3) Anub'Arak vs Saruman, I would probably place Anub'Arak on similar level to Balrog, which would definitely give Saruman a troublesome fight, but would most likely lose to him.
I would say that lesser Arthas's commanders about match remaining Nazgul. Sapphiron is not as strong as Sindragos, but he is stil a massive frost Wyrm. Lana'thel woud probably match Khamul in power, etc.
Now, if the fights were to take time, I believe following thing would happen:
Neverending Undead would over time, overwhelm force of Mordor, however, Nazgu who would eventually win their fights, will come back and push it back. That being said, with many Scourge Acolytes, some of them would get sealed away or destroyd.
In the end, Frost Wyrms would be too much to handle, and would win against Mordor, if that were to happen, Arthas would win.
So, at the end of it all, we can see a fair situation. Sauron is smart, he realized he would lose extended battle, so decided to come for the Lich King himself, to the Frozen Throne. While it would be an even closer battle, becaouse Arthas would definitely have at least a couple powerful undead by his side when that happens, Sauron would most likely end up victorious anyway. But if he hesitated, and allowed the battle to go on for too long, Sauron would be done for.
Now this is epic!
if anyone didn't know the writer of Narnia, C.S. Lewis was friends with J.R.R. Tolkien writer of Lord of the rings.
C.S. Lewis wrote about their conversations, called "the screw tape letters" truly worth a read.
I have wondered about this fight for a long time. Truly an amazing battle!
You know, one of the big things about BOTH of these particular dark lords is their command of VAST ARMIES. Rather than a purely 1-on-1 battle, I was almost expecting a big Orcs vs. Scourge RTS battle! Sauron vs. Lich King, who has better APM?
Cant belive these guys faught to the death over a big cold af ice chair
Don't you love the nice references they make?
Sauron "I'll tear out your heart"
Arthas "You will find nothing there!"
Because questwise Arthas already removed his heart.
I remember saying I wanted the lich king to win but after doing my full research on these characters and this fight
My gut instinct turned out be correct, I see now how bias you guys at death battle were in this episode and how completely one-sided in the other direction this fight should've been with complete research
The lich king may not be able to destroy the ring but he could sure as hell destroy sauron's body which would still kill him
The lich king also scales to characters who can bend 4th dimensional space
Then there is their armies which you guys should've included
I could go on on why sauron actually looses
This episode is utterly incorrect
The animation on the end was cool to see
This was a TERRIBLE matchup like holy hell. You have a lich angel vs a possessed blade and helmet. There really was no match up.
finally i can see those Arthas widows wipe all their tears. Fkn overvalorated char.
i believe that you mis repersented the lich king a little
I'd like to add that Tolkien himself said the ring was literally impossible to destroy willingly. The whole reason Sauron lost the final battle was because of a random chance that his ring would be accidentally dropped into Mount Doom. The magic in the ring is at its strongest in Mount Doom, making anyone unable to have the willpower to destroy it.