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Savix Shadowlands Keybinds/ Addons/ Macros / UI for WoW PvP
Mouse & Keyboard
/cast [nomod] your ability
/cast [mod:shift,target=party1] your ability
/cast [mod:ctrl,target=party2] your ability
Party 1 2 3
/cast [target=party1] your ability
/cast [target=party2] your ability
Arena 1 2 3
/cast [target=arena1] your ability
/cast [target=arena2] your ability
/cast [target=arena3] your ability
Focus Macro
/cast [target=focus] your ability
Talent Changer 🙂
/cast [talent:5/1] Divine Purpose; [talent:5/2] Holy Avenger; [talent:5/3] Seraphim
CancelAura (shit-W key for my forgot to explain that)
/cancelaura blessing of protection
/cancelaura blessing of freedom
/cancelaura Blessing of Sanctuary
/cancelaura inquisition
/script PetDismiss()
UI Hide
/run MainMenuBarArtFrame.LeftEndCap:Hide()
/run MainMenuBarArtFrame.RightEndCap:Hide()
/run MainMenuBarArtFrameBackground:Hide()
/run ActionBarUpButton:Hide()
/run ActionBarDownButton:Hide()
/run MainMenuBarArtFrame.PageNumber:Hide()
Arena Nameplate 123
/run local U=UnitIsUnit hooksecurefunc(“CompactUnitFrame_UpdateName”,function(F)if IsActiveBattlefieldArena()and F.unit:find(“nameplate”)then for i=1,5 do if U(F.unit,”arena”..i)then,1,0)break end end end end)
2nd channel :
so I have long since strayed from the path of ret pally, but the guide you made way back in the day has been my keybinding/macro guide i have lived by. I will be happy to add this one to the repertoire
Much ty Lord Savix
Create full guide broooo please
hi savix
Now I'm rank 1. Tyty
Enough talk
Savix, do you use an 80% kb? If so, how does it work for you? (I assume it works great seeing as how you’re so good at PvP ;))
i subbed when i found ya D:
Amen Brother
If a rouge is in stealth, and I am dh can I taunt him out of stealth while I using sight?
That armor so hot. First time back into wow in a while. Really hoping to push rating this season.
Now I can have Shift 1 be Bomb Transmutation and Control 1 be Bites the dust!
This will save me so much time targeting these meddling kids in my small town. They won't leave me alone.
0:00 Intro
0:40 Keybinds
10:53 Arena Target Keybinds
12:23 Addons
15:09 UI Setup/Raid Profiles
Macros are in the description box
Perfect timing, just looking in to this stuff. Curious why you have word of glory and sac as a macro which is one button and modified for different party members but then you have bop and freedom as two seperate binds, i.e. bop as alt-q and alt-e? Why not do bop as q with modifiers ctrl for party1 and shift for party2?
Woot savix uses a g600 too, same problems with the naga. Razer seems cheap
I only use 12345 the rest I click it lol
Thank you for this savix!
Have you guys seen the old spice commercial where Terry Crews has a bunch of sensors hooked up to his muscles and when he flexes a specific muscle, an individual drum/cymbal is played?
Imagine that, but with wow keybinds. If people did that, they would be looking like characters straight out of Stardust Crusaders.
Pls lord Savix help me get that gorgeous white plate set on my pally. Im new on pvp and did some arenas and got 1400 rank on x2 unlocking bracers, belt and cloak, but after that my rank dropped and i cant get 1400+ anymore. I want this set so much 🙁
you would be us link your keyboard please
love it thanks alot subtlety rogue guide when? 😀
getting that bread i see savix-san 🙂
Looks like you need 3hands just for the keybinds on the keyboard. And a fourth for the mouse. I'm dizzy after watching 😅
Thanks to you. I do tha big dam now. I also saw someone trying to teach their prot pally friend how to play. I told them to research the great lord savix on youtube.
Chad Guide
I was the 1000th like, feelsgoodman.
Savix I got to 1800 finally in rbgs. I am your ret pally apprentice! I will make you proud sensei
Why'd you put a custom built keyboard in the thumbnail… lol
This is great for a new Pipers to understand this element of the game. But while this clearly works for arena, how do you do BGs or even world PvE, or do you just not do those?
Savix is cool PogU
Best of the best!!!professional solo que gentlemen!!
thanks savix this macro guide is fuckin sick, also the classic numbers are pretty g
cleanest guid EVER i was jsut looking for something like this Thanks Savix <3
In what server do you play, man?
this video has so much value thank you savix for taking the time. this guy's level of genius and humor is unapparelled. savix what other areas, unrelated to wow or gaming might you be interested in creating content for?
why my sArena doesn't show the trinket besides the enemy nameplates?
Incredibly helpful and well put together, thank you paladad