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#wow #worldofwarcraft #shadowlands
Savix React to World of Warcraft DragonFlight
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10.0 gonna save wow? Yes No? 🙂
addons are cheating especially in pvp
I love that spriest fool aboni :^)
After playin wow since 2004 and still playing classic still, I can say I was too used to addons and it took a while to get adjusted to FF14 and the raids especially. It took me atleast 2 weeks of raiding in ff14 to finally get it down but it felt good when I had my UI and the fights down. I'm not against addons but would prefer addon free.
Theres to much shit going on in pvp. If you play without enemy cds addon, ure screwd. As a healer, u dont wanna get convoked, combusted or mindgames. Fix the shit that is going on
The only person that can save WoW is Mike, MIKE HAWK IF THEY HECKIN' RELEASE CAT GIRLS.
Anything better with arthas..Arthas… literally anything
I've never played another game that indirectly requires you to download third party software to complement the gameplay, says something about the game design
0:44 looks like "Lobo" anyone remember?^^
addons are fine, some are necessary because blizzard's default UI customization is trash.
Next WOW expansion has to be good now that they know they have competition in their space. Unfortunately, they still have same leads making the next expansion, so it is highly doubtful. We'll have to see on April 19.
na addons i wow destroyed the game…. its like easy easy mode with haxx… everyone who using it have no brain or rather cant use his own brain…. its kinda like the Lost Ark ppl who only want FIRST TRY DOWN, if its not working STOPP RAID !!! dat is just lame
Some add-ons should have been built in long ago.. A one bag option? Moveable action bars? Damage meter? These things are staples.
The Lost Ark leveling hurt my enjoyment of the game so hard
whats the name of the skyrim song
Thank god Savix doesn't decide how the story goes xD
I want WoW 2 as well but sadly I think the only way it happens is WoW tanks itself even further to the point that even under Microsoft they can't grow it further, and Microsoft basically tells them to just make WoW 2 at that point. We would need like the next expansion to flop hard, ffxiv & lost ark still popping off, riot mmo good, ashes mmo good, so there just really isn't any way for WoW to come back so they instead take the L and spend the next 5 years or so making WoW 2
to keep it short, boss addons suck. wow default ui sucks. arena addons suck. but lost ark and final fantasy 14 do also suck… so i'm over here just sad.
Using addons to carry you in pvp isn’t ppc. Also takes skill out of pvp Sadge