Scarlet Crusade SUMMONS The LIGHT ARMY To Azeroth! 10.2.5 NEW LORE!

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It looks like the fanatical Light is still happening, it’s not all sunshine and roses. New 10.2.5 quests show the Scarlet Crusade turning into a gigantic light monstrosity and proclaiming that the light will purge our stain from the world but it also hints that they will return in Midnight. It seems like the Light will split into the good and the fanatical side.

We could see the Scarlet Crusade facilitating the Light invasion by getting Yrel and potentially these new Arathi humans that could be their allies, remember Avaloren which could be the new kingdom and the Scarlet Crusade New Avalon. Even more interestingly Lothraxxion is still an agent, he could be creating this divide which in turn will weaken the Light, the void and us as all out conflict breaks out in Midnight. So what is all this new info and what is going on?

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at [email protected]


30 thoughts on “Scarlet Crusade SUMMONS The LIGHT ARMY To Azeroth! 10.2.5 NEW LORE!”

  1. I used to love paladins since warcarft 2 with Turalyon and Warcarft 3 with Arthas. After burning crusade I fell out with paladin lore as it focused on the Naru which I wasnt a fan of and Turalyon coming back in Legion was very botched for me. Been playing a warrior ever since burning cursade after my falling out with the light. Hope they manage to bring me back.

  2. Kinda tired of killing the same enemy and shouldn't they be already dead ? I mean we invade their church twice , we kill their leaders ( also twice i guess ) , we destroyed their towns in Northend and the Forsaken are fighting them like from the beginning and not so long time ago we push them out from Silverpine Forest so how the hell they still have people and resources to fight ?? Like cmon they made enemies in both side and still we can't eradicate them for good.

  3. The deranged ideological writers at Blizzard are so obsessed with having their "white nationalist Trump supporter" boogeyman allegory they are willing to topple the entire lore of a franchise. These people are genuinely dangerous freaks

  4. Remember Garithos forces and how strong they were compared to what state Lordaeron was? They probably have a lot of remnants of that in their ranks. If anyone from W3 screams 'Scarlet crusade leader', it's Garithos.

  5. Well i was wondering when the Scarlet Crusade got the balls to take the capital of the worgens – basically spitting in their faces – and not to mention the invasion against the forsaken, the Scarlets are somehow becoming more fanatic and distinguished in their actions. Even their access to more powers, their sorcerers, priests, even their paladins are even more powerful.

    They have been consolidating their power, recruiting more – but where they are recruiting from is still questionable, are they sweeping up ex-pirates and bandits?

  6. I like this idea so long as they don’t keep shitting all over the source material. All you have to do is believe in yourself to wield the light, and a cult of religious fanatics have plenty of belief. I cannot wait for people to finally have to acknowledge that the Light can be used for evil. We see it time and time again in the books and in cutscenes or in dialogue but people refuse to acknowledge how insidious it can be under the surface. That’s why I pray they don’t convert Illidan. They’re already packed full of Lightforged terminators and captain America super soldiers.

  7. Still more and more think all main citys will start be neutral in future as sectury zones and for most PVP players will be big free for all battle zones everythink els. We will just need choise if we will be on side Light, Void, Death, Life, Order or Disorder.

  8. I think they're trying to re-take the control of the old human settlements, which were "lost" to the "monsters" and "abomination" according to their PoV. And as the author of this video said, it won't be the last time we'll see them and I guess we'll see some main action from the Crusade in Midnight cuz of the dlc being Void themed which is the enemy of the Light

  9. It's less that there's two sides of the light and more the idea the idea of one version of the light is when you understand there's things outside of the light and the other one is if you throw everything into the light and only believe what's inside the light

  10. Always have some feal dat Scarlet Crusade and Argent Dawn will become one faction but Scarlet Crusade is way more radical so idk how they will spin them but in old wow days was hoping dat Scarlet Crusade will join Alliance faction and help reclaim Undercity from undead all up to wow devs how they place them now when Alliance vs Horde is not main topic/problem of wow anymore…

  11. Hear me out… one of the midnight patches will have us Assault Yrel's home base which will be on Faralon in Draenor. The zone was cut content from WoD and they could retool it for midnight and then have it Chromie time into WOD in future expansions.


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