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#shorts #dragonflight #worldofwarcraft World of Warcraft (WoW) Dragonflight Season 4 best M+ DPS/Tanks/Healers video. This is based on my early testing of PTR servers. Keep in mind anything can change and class tuning is very possible!
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Patch 10.0 World of Warcraft: Dragonflight expansion.
There are few other specs that could have made the list. I am hoping that Blizzard will do some class tuning but its getting very close to release time!
And remember, these list are just made for really high keys. Playing the class that you enjoy the most is the best value for your subscription ❤️
I think arms warrior will be great damage wise. It's already big dps and with more stats it will be even better
More love to elemental shaman
Surprised to see no fire mages 😮
How are people still interested in this expac