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Phase two of World of Warcraft Season of Discovery is almost here, introducing a raised level cap, Gnomeregan as a new raid, Stranglethorn Vale as the newest PvP zone, new runes, and a whole lot more! And to say people are hyped would be an understatement; people LOVE Season of Discovery, to say the least. However, this isn’t to say that Phase 2 might not be ripe with some major issues that Blizzard needs to go about fixing.
Nixxiom is back with all new content! After taking the month of January off to go roleplay as a viking in the woods like a total nerd, he has returned to his cave to play more World of Warcraft and rant about the state of the game. Be sure to say “welcome home!” in the comment section.
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I'm back.
Literal god.
For anyone that is worried that GDKP's will be gone do not worry, merely bid your "donation points" that you will recieve from donating your gold to your "guild" and you will recieve said item. Once every week everyone will be returned a cut of there donations based on total donation size to the guild. Thank you
i think that getting rid of GDKP is good for the social fabric of the game. GDKP is often seen as an alternative to things like joining a guild, and i think it's a good thing to promote just playing together instead of purchasing cooperation.
What I really want is a build your own spell system :D…. now that would be awesome!
They said each class is getting 6-7 runes
Your room needs more "Alpha-Male Kill !" vibe….. "Me smash, you die."
do you have any comprehension of how Hackers operate! they will always get away with
GDKPs cause inflation due to increase gold demands on items so they spend more gold, they then buy more gold, which leads to more and more bots putting more and more gold into the economy.
if you get into a raid group, the huge Loa elite fel reaver type boss will hunt your raid down. (i hope)
GDKP TLDR: The extreme high end GDKPs both create demand for buying gold and creates a smoke screen of large quantity gold transactions.
There are mercenaries and GDKP organizers who indirectly benefit from RMT'd gold who are mad, unjustly so.
There are ethical GDKP groups who have very small pots and prices well out of RMT range that are collateral damage.
gdkp has nothing to do with gambling
If banning gdkp will decrease gold buying you should ban boosting too !
Even if you havent done a GDKP its pretty obvious that it is fueled by buying gold, which drives inflation for everyone playing on the server
Gave a like after you said i dont like gnomeregane
Wait. All you did was text and when that didn’t work you moved? Damn thats some socially anxious zoomer cringe if ive ever seen it
GDKPs breed degeneracy. The price of RMT for gold halved overnight when they made the announcement, good riddance.
I have up after a few weeks in SOD. It was fun but the people are killing it. Bad community for many reason. Same for retail. No thanks anymore.
I hate leveling and pve,pvp is all I care,we want rank solo q
They dont do anything about bots because they gain money from their subs. simple as that
can you imagine if Blizzard added a quality rating to materials for example Iron ore being rated 201-399 and using a better rating ore make the final product you make better quality by higher armor and stats??…
I’m just gonna put this here,
Season of Discovery allows for a future which you might be able to do a quest to become a Death Knight when Naxx comes around. 🤷🏼♂️
We got to stop listening to people who dont even play the game. lol
start counting calories and doing some muscle training. That beard and haircut don't fit on a body like that.
blown away by BFD is hilarious
The problem with wow is not only blizzard but the players. I came back to wow last week to play sod and because i came back late i was gate kept out of raiding bfd because i didnt have bfd gear😂 I couldnt even pug it because peoplr wanted you to have an ilevel over 300. I was in pre raid bis, or almost bis for some item slots and my ilevel is 220. What they dont seem to understand is not only is ilevel not a good way to evaluate how much damage someone will do, because there are a lot of high ilevel gear that is trash, but also the players with the gear might not be that good. I experienced this is in legion raiding. I had to organise my own raids to get curve, while teaching players with curve how to do antorus.
GDKP's encourage people to buy gold. More gold buying encourages more Botting.
Whales will buy ass tons of gold online to get all the gear. Peoples get butt hurt losing to whales in a GDKP's… so they buy more gold. More gold buying encourages more gold selling, making botting a very profitable service. More Bots then. It becomes this vicious cycle between players and whales all buying gold, and the game becomes swipe to win. More Bots.
This devastates the social fabric of the game because all the high prices encourage even more gold buying, and the game economy is ruined. You have to buy gold just to keep up with the high prices. The game becomes pay to win even further. More bots…
The higher demand for gold requires more even more bots to keep up. The game becomes flooded with bots. MOAR BOTS!! You level an alt Death Knight in Wrath Classic because you just want to PvP, but all of a sudden there's no people. Only Bots. They chose DK's, because they start an higher level and can do alot of damage easily.
This is how the WoW Token became introduced in Wrath Classic. This is why you have to buy gold in Wrath classic, just keep up. This is why you saw so many bots in Wrath. This is why I quit playing. And this is why GDKP's, Botting, gold buying, and gold selling should all be banned.
And you think those botting accounts and hardware just went away? Nonsense poopy pants! The bots are still there.. lurking in the shadows,… waiting… for a new phase for Season of Discovery to launch…. and the cycle, to begin again… more money… more gold… more GDKP…. more bots… more money … more gold … more GDKP… more bots… more money .. more gold… more GDKP… more bots… MORE MONEY ..M ORE GOLDEE MORE GDKP MORE BOTS MORE BOTS MORE MONEY MORE GOLD MORE GDKP MORE BOTS MORE BOTS!! AAAAHHHHHAMOPQEO GU9QWP9EFJ[QEFJE[AQW
What? There's only Bots and RMT in this game? F this I'm quitting for Final Fantasy XIV
1st world problems are just the worst problems to deal with because their the stupidest problems to have to deal with since they shouldn’t even be a problem in the first place.
What do you mean profession quests? it was just aimless walking back and forth and only leatherworking was the true useful item since the others were replaced with tier sets
Really respect the sentiment that you don't have enough information to form a strong opinion. Wish it was more common.
they should add an good prof quest not just for the crafting jobs. i mean im a collector for my guild so i want to have an epic quest too .D for my flowers to pick 😀
The only reason i ever went into gnomer was just to get my triprunner dungarees.
14:15 this argument is the same idea of hacking. Why can't blue team security specialists just "fix" the hacking problem? Because as much as a blue team member can fix a problem, the red team (hacker) will develop a new method to infiltrate systems. Same situation with bots. They can ban every bot and the methods botters use, but they're going to return at some point with harder to detect systems
Will hpals be useless healers again😢
You’re rant was so awesome I immediately subbed when I heard it! As a new wow player and long time rpg gamer you totally encapsulated why wow drew me in.
I think what made classic and what’s making SOD so successful is not that vanilla was or is better than current retail. I think what blizzard did that most people hate but don’t even realize it’s the reason is they over complicated everything. You hit the nail on the head with the professions aspect in this video. Professions back then were so much easier to understand and grasp, the materials felt difficult but attainable to get, and the items were actually useful upgrades. Nowadays with the stupid crafting work bench for crafting orders, 1-4 star and diamond level crafted items etc, it’s just all way too damn complicated for the average person to grasp. The original “get this ore and wood and craft this sword” is the best system. It was simple, Blizz needs to simplify the game again.
My guild in SoD is named Only Shams and we are all Shamans… and one Hunter. But he counts because he's not a Shaman, meaning he's a sham (fraud) so he still fits
GDKP has always made bots and gold selling a big problem because GDKP raids always ends up with gear going for 1000s of gold they are a blight on all versions of wow its the equivalent of buying a wow token and paying a guild for a mythic raid boost
You could be like the American version of the German "Drachenlord" :=) only from the looks though
no opinion on gdkp, very cowardly
Why would anyone be disappointed by your lack of an opinion on GDKP?
Literally nobody was waiting to hear what you had to say on the topic. 😂🤪
I agree that professions should get more attention. I liked how professions evolved in TBC.
Gnomeregan is the worst dungeon in the game,i hate it.
its huge, takes forever, isnt that interesting, stop talking about yourself.
The biggest reason why I am still for GDKP is I know at least half the raid is Gigachads. I am tired of joining a "Guild run only need 1 DPS" and I am doing double the damage of the next highest dps in the raid. I understand GDKPs also prey on people who are bad at the game but I know the raid I join will not wipe or even struggle at any portion.
While GDKPs are a gamble at if you will get loot or not, a traditional MS>OS is a gamble of competency. If lockouts were boss specific (i.e. I could re-enter a different raid after killing the 1st 2 bosses and just not get loot) I wouldn't mind leaving bad groups. "A rising tide lifts all ships" yet some ships aren't seaworthy.
Banning GDKP is a huge W Blizzard. Banning all the bots, gold buyers and sellers would address the real problem, but dealing with it at the GDKP level removes a HUGE incentive to buy a ton of gold.
STV is gonna be wild, its gonna be fucking wild
Gnomer has always been a raid…
you know because someone steps on the circle and everyone dies. :/
the best thing about Gnomeregan is that it is full of gnomes to kill, the bad thing? it's full of gnomes.
Blizzard is really doing everything right finally! I love that they are doing Sod and then gonna drop Cata and will keep Era servers live. We will finally be able to fluctuate between both worlds. Super excited for all classic versions in the future.