Season of Discovery Phase 2 is AMAZING so Far! (The Day 1 Experience)

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Season of Discovery Phase 2 is here, bringing a new chapter to World of Warcraft Classic! And Nixxiom, being the Classic WoW enthusiest that he is, has certainly dived into Season of Discovery already to delight in the first day of the game’s release. From questing in empty zones, to the first discoveries made in the game, this is his story – the story of a lone Paladin making his way to level 40.

Are you enjoying Season of Discovery so far? Let us know in the comment section below!

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43 thoughts on “Season of Discovery Phase 2 is AMAZING so Far! (The Day 1 Experience)”

  1. The sleeping bag is so worth it the quest exp for doing the full chain is amazing you get a free 12 slot bag along the way and some other nice bits and bobs and the sleeping bag is use every 3 hours for 2 hours of 3% extra exp and its just a fun journey who ever said its not worth it has no idea what they talking about

  2. I’ve honestly found that questing and leveling is the most fun aspect for me. I am not excited for phase 2 or at least, not as much as I was for SOD launch, but meh. I’ll play till 40 some day

  3. I don’t get how one just simply finds these runes it’s like pick up this random item in a random location, talk to this NPC you would otherwise not talk to, do this quest line that you may never touch, etc. I want to find them myself but similar to phase 1 I’ll just be looking them up on wowhead lol

  4. 2:13 this. I’m the player that always tries to spam dungeons, but this time I’m taking it slow and rediscovering my love of the world. Started a new toon on a new server, and got to 25 yesterday. The only dungeon I’ve run is WC and only once, at 24. It feels slower, but better. I really think the phrase “it’s about the journey, not the destination “ is so true for classic era wow.

  5. I've been having a lot of fun with the new phase. My only worry was the blood moon in Stranglethorn Vale being easily abused. I was genuinely excited for it, but I expected it was just going to be heavily min-maxed. And it is, it's almost exclusively controlled by large groups of players forcing individual players to opt out of the event because Blizzard didn't decide to make it a true free-for-all. Nothing quite like going on the boat to Booty Bay, realizing the blood moon is active and there's a group of 20 people standing there, ignoring each other and killing everyone on the boat and then spawn-killing them. Blizzards brilliant idea to counter the spawn killing was to make sure players weren't rewarded for it. (Because, you know, people totally never went around murdering people 50 levels under them regardless of rewards before)

  6. 5:25 I like your message it’s a powerful point that I haven’t seen anyone discuss, even in the hardcore community. The magic of world of Warcraft back in 2004 was playing this game with no mods and no guides. Actually having to read quests, interact with others, and reference know locations to give you guidance is the full experience.

  7. doesn't 99% of the playerbase have it so over-meta'd that they've pre-bis'd gearing to level like…35?

    Is that "amazing" or is that one of the founding reasons SOD is just joke-fiesta since week 3? The only thing more cringe-worthy than the 4k gold items in the AH are the bots and the players who PAY the bots screaming "we hate bots"

  8. I missed out on the Classic WoW re-launch back in 2019 because I just didn't feel like getting back into WoW, but was talked into coming back for Dragonflight last year. I was tempted to sub back for Classic back then though, so I made sure to be ready for the SoD experience right at launch to revisit the Azeroth I grew up with.

    And I've got to say, as much as I've had fun with Dragonflight, it hasn't ever really given me the same feeling the original WoW gave me that SoD has, the feeling that I'm not just playing a great game, I'm going on an adventure.

  9. Being a Vanilla Hater of both gnomes and that terrible hole in the ground, I choose to sit out P2 raiding. Talk about killing the vibe with the single worst dungeon in th history of ever.


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