Secrets of the Stonetalon Mountains | World of Warcraft

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Happy Friday, everybody! Today, we venture south of Ashenvale into the rugged terrain of the Stonetalon Mountains. All is not as it seems, however, as there are many more hidden details here than first meet the eye! Join us, friend, for a journey through this mostly-forgotten zone!

Video Footage:
– Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft (2004-)
– Some images retrieved from Google Images and WoWpedia

Background Music:
– “The Barrens” from the WoW OST

#worldofwarcraft #classicwow #seasonofdiscovery

Outro Music:
– “Watch Me (Live)” by Greta Van Fleet

Jediwarlock 2023


44 thoughts on “Secrets of the Stonetalon Mountains | World of Warcraft”

  1. Video idea: Graveyards of Azeroth. Mechanically they're just places to rez, but if there rhyme and reason to their placement from a lore perspective? Do they have lore or history? Or are they just random and purely mechanical.

  2. Dude as IF after 20 years of being a fairly seasoned vanilla cut content/exploration nerd I'm learning something totally new. I had no idea about the Venture Co Retreat area, this is so awesome! Great video mate!

  3. i love stonetalon, it is my fav zone by far. its just so great. sunrock retreat has a few "secrets" too and the waterfall venture co area. also some really cool areas like the grove in the north or the charred vale. cata did add some cool stuff to the zone, but overall it just screwed it all up

  4. I love these types of videos. There's one unuse cave at the enter of the road to Charred Vale which seems like it could have been use for something related. I've always liked secret shortcuts between zones, especially the two in Stonetalon that you mention, it reminds me of the ""secret"" hinterlands/western plaguelands shorcut.

  5. I think the abandoned camp in the north of the charred vale is a reference to the orc campaign of warcraft 3 RoC when Cairne and Thrall travel to the cave to meet the Oracle. The Harpy Queen of the Vale is even killed in said mission by Thrall and his troops. Most certainly the Venture Co. came at a later point.

  6. i know classic content pre cata is your bread and butter but i was wondering if you'd ever make videos exploring the ocean around legion's broken isles? theyre really cool and ive always wanted to but it would take so long

  7. Just randomly got this vid as recommended. 100% gold. Great editing and interesting stuff not many are doing. Looking forward to binging the other videos lol. I hope SoD blows your channel up!

  8. I’ve been playing this game for most of my life and I thought I knew absolutely everything there was to know, down to every quest and secret and bit of cut content. I had never heard of the Venture Co. Retreat before. I love this obscure stuff, please keep em coming 🙂

  9. One thing I remember from the WOW beta is that Stonetalon got a redesign. Early on it was basically the camp at Malaka'jin for the Horde, and almost a straight line from there up to the north with branching paths to the Venture Co. Logging area, the Kobold mine (I forget the name of it, but specifically the one with tons of kobolds in it, not the Venture Co. mine near the logging area), the two Alliance NPCs, the path to Stonetalon Peak, and the Charred Vale + road to Desolace. Webwinder Path was marked on the map, but there was no Shishir Canyon full of spiders, and no Sun Rock Retreat. Or at least IIRC, not the little camp/town you can visit in Classic. There might have been a flight path but that's about all I can think of. I remember the kobold caves/mines area was where Shishir Canyon is in Classic now, and I don't remember anything being where they relocated the kobold caves/mines to.
    Old Stonetalon would be in one of the earlier Beta builds of the game, if those files are around somewhere, and I'm sure I don't have this zone's old format exactly right. But the only reason it even sticks in my mind is, before the redesign, they had a brief bug where Webwinder Path's discovery tag accidentally gave gold instead of XP like all the other POIs in zones. So a bunch of people walking into the area suddenly heard the coin looting sound and saw they had like ~200g out of nowhere.
    It was obviously a work in progress zone now that I think about it, especially with how they DID have Braelyn Firehand (if I have her name right) to give you the quest chain that leads up to The Den for Horde players and still had the Barrens quests that lead you to the zone at Crossroads and Ratchet, that are still in Classic today: getting spider eggs, checking in on the goblin guy, killing Venture Co. guys and then the shredders, Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle, etc. But it was kinda wild to see how it got transformed later in beta when they wanted to add Shishir Canyon and the Horde town up at Sun Rock Retreat. Most of the other unfinished zones were locked away until they were ready to fully implement their quests, mobs and NPCs, but Stonetalon was open when they started beta (it had a level cap of 35 when I got in).

  10. The Venture Co. Retreat is used as the Goblin starter zone in Turtle WoW! Didn't know that it was a leftover of an abandoned storyline. I wish there was more information about what was dropped (and why), if they just lost interest or ran out of time..

  11. I honestly think they might've stopped development on that area once they realized they've basically telling the same story as with Ashenvale with the Warsong vs. Sentinels, and they focused on that instead with us getting the battleground and reputation.

    I wish we could've gotten a Stonetalon World PvP focused area, but maybe we will in Season of Discovery, they're just doing Ashenvale first.

  12. Great video! Despite classic ST being relatively lacking quest-wise, i always found its still a pretty interesting environment. With the cartel tearing up trees on one side. The harpies and elementals burnt up the other side and the night elven area at the far north all plush and green. The way it was setup with the mountains blocking many views, it gave you a feeling of not being sure what to expect when you came around them


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