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Experience the Dragon Isles epilogue quests, explore with dragonriding unlocked worldwide, reclaim the kingdom of Gilneas, and more!
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight – Seeds of Renewal launches January 16, 2024 PST.
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Cant wait, hyyyppped
And nobody cared.
Sub count of 3.
Azerothian archives is all messed up can you fix it lol
The Gilneas stuff is like… 7 minutes long and that it.
no quiero ser grosero con la gente que trabajó en esto pero en serio esto es lo mejor que puede ofrecer una empresa que se embolsa 4.300 millones de dolares al año?
season of reciclaje ningún npc nuevo
More hype than the dragonflight announcement cinematic
5min playing and content was over..
Very good trailer!!
And yet no new PVP maps..
There will be no more Druid Gnoms!
For FS revamp dks already…. Why is there nothing done
And if we find ourselves surrounded and disarmed… wounded and without hope… we will lift our heads in defiance, and spit in their faces!
But we will… NEVER SURRENDER!!!"
ok What about the bots tho
The Scarlet Crusade in GIlneas?? whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
😧😧😧😧 Hype over 9000
They should be moving the tree in the next expansion. And Vyranoth will die in the The War Within.
Let me play the rest of the Dragonflight story without having to grind 2 patch old rep PLEASE
Love all the patch content but man it shows when you guys use generic trailer music
Dragonriding the worst thing to come to WoW ever.
It's finally here lads! ❤️
Looks silly
GILNEAS RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️
Seeds of Renewal. More like Subs of Cancellations. 🤣
Lets go!
0:14 Not Shadowlands! 😭
Wow vyranoth ❤
What story line does this relate to?
NPC Follower? Like in WoD?
Blizz you really delivered with this expansion! Amazing content and amazing patch-cycle in general!
Wait is that galakron?
Can't wait to dragonride through Kalimdor!
No thank you.
Vyranoth will met with Iridikron,can wait to see what they have to say with each other!
Hail Gilneas,welcome back in Azeroth.
When do we get to stop playing the alliance game? Horde lives matter.
game turing to Call of duty and their clown skins…..