Sepulcher of the First Ones – Music of WoW Shadowlands: Eternity's End

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This is the music that plays in the new raid of Patch 9.2, Sepulcher of the First Ones.

First off I’m just gonna let you know that all of most of the footage in this video actually isn’t from the raid, but is actually leftover footage from Zereth Mortis and the campaign quests that I didn’t use. There just wasn’t a reliable way to get me inside the instance on the PTR since I missed all the boss testing so yeah…

Anyway I do really like how many themes come back for the music here. You have the Domination theme (for the Jailer/Zovaal), the Unbroken Will theme (for Bolvar), the Point of Impact theme (for Sargeras’ sword), and Anduin’s theme.

I always thought that the Domination theme kinda sounded similar to the Point of Impact theme so it is pretty neat that they’ve been combined together in “Domination Point”. They both have that classic “Neal Acree bad guy theme” feel to them 😉

0:00 – Sepulcher H
2:45 – Sepulcher A
3:55 – Sepulcher B
5:04 – Sepulcher C
5:46 – Sepulcher D
6:52 – Sepulcher E
8:27 – Sepulcher F

9:09 – Forge of Afterlives H
12:35 – Forge of Afterlives A
14:38 – Forge of Afterlives B
16:52 – Forge of Afterlives C
19:16 – Forge of Afterlives D
21:25 – Forge of Afterlives Stinger

21:42 – Forge of Afterlives Ambient A
23:41 – Forge of Afterlives Ambient B
25:45 – Forge of Afterlives Ambient C
27:49 – Forge of Afterlives Ambient D
29:59 – Forge of Afterlives Ambient E
31:55 – Forge of Afterlives Ambient F

34:09 – Terrace of Creation H
37:01 – Terrace of Creation A
38:58 – Terrace of Creation B
41:06 – Terrace of Creation C
43:19 – Terrace of Creation D
45:07 – Terrace of Creation E
47:00 – Terrace of Creation F
49:14 – Terrace of Creation G
51:33 – Terrace of Creation I
53:22 – Terrace of Creation Stinger

53:56 – Grand Design H
56:51 – Grand Design A
58:45 – Grand Design B
1:00:48 – Grand Design C
1:02:58 – Grand Design D
1:04:58 – Grand Design E
1:07:06 – Grand Design F
1:09:21 – Grand Design G
1:11:37 – Grand Design I

1:13:49 – Grand Design Unbroken A
1:15:27 – Grand Design Unbroken B
1:17:02 – Grand Design Unbroken C
1:18:22 – Grand Design Unbroken D
1:20:25 – Grand Design Unbroken E

1:21:53 – Grand Design Domination A
1:23:43 – Grand Design Domination B
1:25:27 – Grand Design Domination C
1:27:17 – Grand Design Domination D

1:29:02 – Domination Point H1
1:30:53 – Domination Point H2

1:32:43 – Domination Anduin Action A
1:34:25 – Domination Anduin Action B
1:36:10 – Domination Anduin Action C

1:37:55 – Domination Anduin Ambient A
1:38:59 – Domination Anduin Ambient B
1:40:03 – Domination Anduin Ambient C


28 thoughts on “Sepulcher of the First Ones – Music of WoW Shadowlands: Eternity's End”

  1. I thought it was interesting that the Point of Impact theme (Sargeras' sword/Azerite theme) comes back at 1:29:02. Just like Anduin's theme, it's mixed in with the Domination theme (Zovaal/The Jailer's theme).

    It would seem Bolvar's theme (Unbroken Will) also makes a comeback at 1:13:49. And we also get some variants of the "Domination Anduin" theme from 9.1 at 1:32:43.

    It's neat that the composers are still keeping these themes around 😮

    Now here's some of my favorite tracks. I like the cello/piano combo in "Sepulcher C" at 5:04, and also the choir/piano/strings combo in "Sepulcher F" at 8:27. Kinda wish both of those tracks were longer tbh, they're both only like 40 seconds long. Ah well, the little bit we've got does sound neat at least.

    I really love the mechanical feel in "Forge of Afterlives D" at 19:16. The drums do a really good job of making it feel like this fight going in some kinda Automa factory. "Forge of Afterlives H" at 9:09 also has this interesting melody that you can hear in some of the other themes here.

    Some other drums I like can be heard in the A, B, and C versions of "Terrace of Creation" starting at 37:16. Jake really be going hard with the percussion in these themes, huh? I like it!

  2. Very impressed by the amount of music for this raid (and the patch itself, almost 4 hours :o).

    Also seems they are finally starting to evolve the way they have boss music. They don't just make boss themes and then slap all the same tracks on every boss, instead they actually have multiple sets of different themes for basically every boss, based on the names in the "ZoneMusic" folder, or whatever it's called. For example, they have "Terrestrial_Battle_Wall" = Vigilant Guardian, "Terrestrial_Battle_Foundry" = Prototype Pantheon, "Ephemeral_Battle_Worm" = Skolex etc… In the past, using Eternal Palace as an example, they just had 2 tracks for the first 4 bosses aka "EternalPalace_BossBattle_01" , and then 3 tracks for the next 3 bosses aka "EternalPalace_BossBattle_02". Here they have one set of tracks for each boss, instead of having one set for lets say the first 4 bosses. Though, currently there is 1 boss (Lihuvim) with only 1 boss track (and some random ambience track even though they have so many boss tracks??), but that could get changed.

    Something i also noticed, they have different sets of music for each of the stages (phases) of the Halondrus boss, which has 3 stages, and it's just a random boss (marked as the 7th on the DJournal, but can be killed as the 4th). I'm glad to see Blizzard finally implementing boss music this way, and i hope they continue with it. I'm a fan of the music itself aswell, this short part with the trumpets is very eargasmic for me lol 55:08.

  3. Domination Point H1 and H2 give off final battle vibes. There are aspects of the Jailer’s theme, BfA Silithus Music, Call to Arms, and a couple of Legends of Azeroth moments too. When the devs said “9.2 is the end of one chapter of World of Warcraft”, this music makes me believe it truly is, no matter how wild and irritating the story has been. The music team never fails to impress me.

  4. as someone who usually turns off music for coms and to have my own Playlist, I really enjoyed this expansions evolution towards an FFXIV approach to music being part of the thematic experience. I usually save heroic to take in the music and atmosphere. say what you want about shadowlands but I hope they continue the trend of having unique thematic music to tell the story of thier raids

    Tell me if u heard it, hope u upload that music <3 thanks for your videos


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