Seven Wonders of Warcraft! – Northrend | World of Warcraft

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In the forgotten land of ice and snow, a diverse landscape filled with ancient cultures and histories reveals itself to the explorers of Northrend’s frigid surface… and underneath it. – Zul’Drak: Watching an Empire Fall by Jediwarlock – In the Footsteps of the Titans! by Jediwarlock – Mapping the Underworld of Azjol-Nerub! by Jediwarlock

Video Footage:
– Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft (2004-)
– Some images retrieved from Google Images.

Background Music:
– “Howling Fjord, ” “Zul’Drak,” “Grizzly Hills,” and “Riplash Ruins” from the WoW WotLK OST

#worldofwarcraft #classicwow #seasonofdiscovery

Outro Music:
– “Watch Me (Live)” by Greta Van Fleet

Jediwarlock 2024


24 thoughts on “Seven Wonders of Warcraft! – Northrend | World of Warcraft”

  1. What font did you use for your location title cards? I think it looks neat!

    Also have you considered making similar videos for LoTR Online? I've never played it but I'd assume that it has some equally cool locations.

  2. The Riplash Ruins always impressed me. The sub-zone is so grand, it could have been a dungeon. The final quest having you run through the whole temple to kill one final quest mob, almost made me sad to not stay there longer

  3. Man, an Azhol-Nerub zone would just have been the coolest. I've always loved the Nerubians. The new nerubian zone in tWW ain't bad, and is obviously TECHNICALLY superior to anything they could have made in Wrath, but… well, the context is different. I would have been floored by questing and exploring down there as a kid, I think.

  4. I love that you picked more "random"/unusual stuff than obvious places like the tall buildings of every raid etc.
    But it really makes the impression as if it was planned to make azjol nerub a zone.

  5. They did release a wannabe azjol nerub în war within but:
    1. It doesn't feel the same.
    2. It's în another part of the world.
    3. We got,s to defeat another old god pokemon.
    În another timeline wotlk ended with 3.5, adding drakkari trolls + vrykuls and azjol nerub as full blown raids, sprinkle in some 5 man dungs as they did with pos/fos/hor, even add the underground lvling zone later on for alt junkies to have fun with. It would've been the best time line. But alas, the old Blizzard is dead, the new blito makes time-wasters în wow skin.

  6. Hi Jedi!

    Small correction at 2:43: Hrothgar's Landing isn't the farthest north point players have reached. That honor goes to the Lost Glacier in Legion. But to be fair, you said "all players" and only death knights could go to Lost Glacier.

    I wish Hrothgar's Landing had been a full leveling zone.

  7. The last titan expansion, we are going back to Northrend. There is so much lore and land to expand upon. Will we see the great Nerubian underground finally? how much has Northrend changed since we defeated the Lich King 15 years ago? Are the scourge rampaging with out their master? Has the path of the titans been repaired? so excited to find out.


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