Shadowland Conduit Update! Shadowlands Delayed! New Warrior Changes!

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Going over the recent Shadowlands conduit updates, shadowland being delayed and new warrior changes on the shadowlands beta!
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36 thoughts on “Shadowland Conduit Update! Shadowlands Delayed! New Warrior Changes!”

  1. Ahh another have your cake and eat it youtuber. If you don’t have to make a covenant choice which effects your game play or allow the option of changing when ever you want for all of the content you may as well get rid of the whole system altogether or nerf the shit out of everything so none of it matters (which sounds like it might be happening because of all the 1% whiners). Maybe just get rid of all the covenant abilities and just have the same soul binds across all of them so none of it effects gameplay and they are just for RPG/transmog. Fucking boring, learn to play with your choice.

  2. I’ve been heavily conflicted in regards to what to main in SL. I’ve been a warrior main for quite some time and have been loving Arms in 8.2-8.3, and was very excited for Fury in SL. However, the more time passes and more “tuning” is done, it makes me want to reconsider my choice quite a bit. I just don’t think the warrior can get me to my PvE goals as it is now. Really hoping the dev in charge of warriors was the spearhead that got SL delayed and now that it is, we’ll see some proper tuning and changes soon.

  3. Retricting players is something WoW needs more of not less, especially if you look at what made the game great at it's height, that creates a form of value and idenitity, the problem is its hard to nail the execution of how and where to restrict.

  4. maybe you can pay the charges by collecting anima… its a small grind for small feature. is not that bad. i dont htink it has to do with paying real money like on mobile.

  5. in terms of covenant abilities, maybe buff the initial dmg on your main target so that it actually does some good ST dmg and then make it hit for less on 2+ targets, could maybe make all covenant abilities more appealing and better to use in all scenarios.

    either way, its still some ways (probably) til the beta is done, and hopefully we get to see some good changes to the covenant abilities, conduits and talents, and hopefully fury dmg wont be to bad in the start, like it ussually is.

  6. I really hate the narrative of blizzard of nerfing shit like this. We are not an S tier class nor spec. Like gimme a fucking break. Fury needs the most APM to play than any classes and we gonna get fucked in the ass again out of nowhere. Nerfing everything and lets not forget that the rotation is still gonna be the same. Like I feel so bad as a warr main

  7. The recharge thing being a mobile mechanic is a huge stretch. Those recharge systems gate your access to the game itself, the equivalent in WoW would be if you had to eat for a recharge in order to play a BG. I'm not saying the system isn't bad or interested unnecessary, but that argument sounds like bad faith.

  8. Just found your stuff my man. It’s awesome. Been playing warrior for a bit and learning even more through you. Quick question. What covenants are viable if I plan to fury m+ for the expansion? I understand condemn is awesome with the ww buff but it just got nerfed. Night fae seemed amazing for the cc and rage generation. Curious as to what you reccomend

  9. Its so disappointing when I find fury so fun and they keep nerfing an already okay dps spec lol. If anyone hasn't already i recommend just trying out the talent combo of Frenzy + siege breaker works so good together. Onslaught is also fun when you get a rampage + onslaught and an execute proc all together it feels like you're chunking enemies


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