You rate fire so high, but only as rmp. Your group has to be good. Ladder is full of purge classes that shut you down doing random solo queue fire. Does your competitive ladder rating exclude solo queue experience?
WoW is a literal ghost town, I logged into bnet for the first time in 11 months, and legit everyone one on my friends list haven’t played in the last half year. Then I got on my discord and only 2 people was playing wow, never seen the game so dead, it’s kinda of a shame was thinking of renewing my sub.
To be fair, deathbolt's minor damage increase isn't what made affliction viable. The increase in viability is directly due to not being able to dispel or steal Dark Soul. If you took that away they collapse back into nothing.
First xd
first xd
nice thumbnail
secon xd
MM hunter. 199il shot up to 1500 rating 2’s in 1 sitting. Lol
sub set is gonna be way better now that they annouced that it wont break cc
Love you man thank you so much for your content!
You rate fire so high, but only as rmp. Your group has to be good. Ladder is full of purge classes that shut you down doing random solo queue fire. Does your competitive ladder rating exclude solo queue experience?
trash game idiots devs better avoid
Kekw if you pair destro with frost mage its litterly s tier push comp
WoW is a literal ghost town, I logged into bnet for the first time in 11 months, and legit everyone one on my friends list haven’t played in the last half year. Then I got on my discord and only 2 people was playing wow, never seen the game so dead, it’s kinda of a shame was thinking of renewing my sub.
I Play on 2,8k and i think S Tier is: Fire mage, mm Hunt, affli lock, arcane (if u can play arcane)
Bro, you are S Tier. Love you vids :))
Honestly this is your best list in my opinion.
I play all 3 lock specs buf have never played demo in pvp. Pushing Aff right now in 2's and 3's. Interted to try demo i do always see it do well
Can we have your (predictions) 9.2 Tier list 2's and 3's ? Spec wise? 🙂
To be fair, deathbolt's minor damage increase isn't what made affliction viable. The increase in viability is directly due to not being able to dispel or steal Dark Soul. If you took that away they collapse back into nothing.