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Shadowlands 9.1 Class Changes (EVEN MORE EVEN BETTER)
I think that at 27:25 the new runecrafting power for Kyrian doesn't award extra 2 combopoints as you say, but instead removes the random element from the ability and ALWAYS charges 4 points. I.e. if you do a 4 point finisher it will count as 7 point finisher. Not 3, not 5. No more random rotations. I think that's actually pretty cool.
Feral almost mandatory dps spec for arena…even more so now
if they now just unfuck Affli and DKs and give Hunters some love, the 9.1 meta could be in a really good spot.
With all of these 'MS' type abilities being added, hopefully there'll be more double dps teams in 2v2 at least
I still think they should give arcane mage more love. I honestly will probably not play if frost is meta because I hate playing frost mage
You will all find something to whine about after a month or two no matter what and gonna go promote TBC arena for no reason at all with absolute 0 sense.
that fury mortal wounds effect is gonna be really scary when the warrior has necro banner and reckless up, since you can pretty much use rampage every global then.
Im a feral druid and THANK GOD we are going to get a bit more viability. Love the changes!
The MS on Slaughterhouse stacks with each strike of Rampage. Rampage hits 4 times, so thats an auto 60% MS on every Rampage. Also, you skipped over Nimble brew for monks. It get changed to "Throw's a Nimble brew on the target area. All allies hit have immunity to the next loss of control effect applied in 8 secs."
Thick as thieves being base line i think is super strong
Finally some resto druid PvP changes!
Dh no need more dmg we need some skill to heal blur is joke as def
Why would they remove cold blood lol
Looks like they are trying to bring the opness to everyone
“Oh nice, some more changes, maybe this time…”
*Cries in sv hunter”
for fury warr's mortal wound effect rampage has 5 hits so it counts every one hit for that ability and aplies all 4 stacks at once on ptr atm atleast, so there is no question of maintaining it, its there as long as you rampage on the target/targets with ww cleave.
I think with the fury warrior, it's 60% mortal strike. It says "Rampage Damage" and it hits 4 times. So when you rampage you drastically reduce healing… at least, that's my hope considering fury is my main pvp class, lol.
another round of no changes to enhance shammy….one day we will be good….then the next day we will be hit with the nerf bat
As long as they don't adress the gear scaling i don't realy care about all these changes. If one like me gpes back to live, it does't matter how classes are balanced and fun or not if you immediately face people 20 to 30 ilvls higher than you and get totaly destroyed.
Are these healing reductions going to stack? like all these new healing reductions will they stack with an arms warriors sharpen blade/MS?
Still waiting for necrotic strike to be buffed…
Cyclone and polymorph 15-20 cooldown when ?
only dks take nerfs 😀
Man, that rap video against pikaboo might be your best video ever
For what nerfing cocoon talent , blizzard clearly has no idea how mw works.
LOL when u said, "all the class changes"……. hunter main since 04 and still waiting for class updates
So, you are sweaty from running home. what did you do at the gym then ?
bruh poor sub
Are they reverting the "no full moon in arena change?" Cause if not this lego seems very lack-luster for pvp
@Supatease IMO, make the catch up mechanic revolve around Marks of Honor. They made it where we can buy 5 for 2000 honor. Get the streamer community to start talking about selling marks of honor back for honor.
I have over 500 of these on my account that I do nothing with, im sure most of the player base does. If we could sell MoH back to vendors, we could hit 60 on an alt and do our covenant quest line then upgrade all the gear to 197 immediately, that way new 60 alts can hit around 200 ilvl in about a two days of casual play.
What makes PvP rough for gearing fresh alts is having 21k hp and 11% verse then going to do Random Battle Grounds in the same group as people who just hit Duelist and are farming honor to upgrade their gear before going back into rateds. Randoms are a total roll of the dice, it could be 4 people under 25k hp and your team is just washed due to gear, or it could be 1 fresh 60 at 20k and everyone else stacked af at 37khp+. I am using HP as a gear metric basically, higher hp = higher ilvl generally which comes with higher verse and other stats etc. So you go into RBG and have to lose 3 in a row or hopefully get a win, to upgrade a gear piece from 170 to 177. Then you go and do it all again for the next upgrade or to upgrade another piece.
If we could just hit 60, cash in a bunch of marks of honor for honor currency it would make alt gearing way less of a grind.
If every class gets a MS effect, doesn't that auto hpal metas?!
These MS changes are actually a huge buff to holy priest, since cardinal mending always heals for 10% of max hp and always ignores all MS effects. That with the symbol of hope change makes me think holy is going to really go ham.
rampage hits 4 times, does it proc off each strike?
So UH DK is official the worst Specc in PVP?
snorlax used sleep 😂
Time stamps for each class would be appreciated.
What's going to happen with healers when 2 dps with mortal wounds effects trains them? Seem pretty unhealeable, cause sustain damage is buffed in a lot of classes too.
This an entire expansion, warrior just keeps getting buff after buff… Glad I stopped playing this shitty game.
Any Windwalker changes?
Did the Mistweaver changes get nerfed?
Hey, the tranquility pvp talent for resto druid is actually getting buffed, not nerfed, I think you skipped over the most important part of it
I think you missed that all rogue specs can get the tricks of the trade buff for their allies now. Pretty big for RMP
E boe
High healing?! Are people NUTS?!?! It is already hard AF to heal in this burst meta and now its going to basically remove healers all together.. ITs going to be 10x rougher to heal now than b4… blizz isn't listening Supatease lol.. they just do what they want.