Shadowlands 9.1 HOLY PALADIN *NEW* Covenant Legendaries! Paladin Testing & Early Preview – WoW

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World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 9.1 Shadowlands early Holy Paladin legendary power preview. This video covers covenant specific legendary powers for Kyrian, Necrolord & Venthyr. Night Fae was not available.

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00:00 Intro
00:51 Kyrian
07:00 Necrolord
10:21 Venthyr

Patch 9.0 World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion.

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30 thoughts on “Shadowlands 9.1 HOLY PALADIN *NEW* Covenant Legendaries! Paladin Testing & Early Preview – WoW”

  1. i hope, they will fix the mouseover issue with kyrian-specific legendary, just to improve quality of life
    however, specifically in m+ scenario, in order to optimize legendary effect management, you may want to use divine toll on your party members, and apply glimmer on them, and then just target adds for the rest of the fight, so you can basically cba healing

    necrolord legendary seems decent for raid scenario, with ability to spread heal any damaged target, and also sustain your melee zone with LoD, however, i still think that kyrian ability and legendary will outperform necro in the most cases

  2. I guess it would be really beneficial if the DT lego would focus a random friendly/enemy target you are in combat with. Like the way it works with the extra DT hits, if you targeted a party member- the extra hits will prio other party members, if you targeted an enemy- the extra hits will prio enemies.

    This isn't perfect, but it seem the alternative is to do a bit of micro control and maybe make a two push macro to target mousover=> trget last target. So that it's almost like you are designating a new target for an automatic HS every 5 seconds.

    If the ability bugs and rests DT on every tick, synergy with some of DT triggered abilities might as well be part of that bug and this will most likely be fixed.

    It's gona be hard for Kyrian Hpala to give up SB lego, and that would probably take more then what's there right now for something like that to happen.

    Really hyped about how that would play with other specs tho, there are some valuable synergies in reapplying the Judgement& Shield effects on the same targets. Like, with glimmer you loose value if you stick it into the same target over and over, but a refresh of the TV/DS damage buff or a constant controlled stream of interrupts seem really nice on top of already good damage and HP generation boost which can be really helpful to both ret and prot.

  3. I don't think I'm going to play wow anymore. Got to like, 1100 and I'm just sick of everyone blaming me the holy paladin, for them dying. I'm constantly managing holy power and I realistically have two main heals that have play around abilities.
    Pretty disappointed with how my "friend" and his guild mates treat me as well.

  4. You forgot to mention the Pelagos Combat Meditation interaction with the Kyrian leggo – it procs that stuff and you basically have the full mastery effect until the leggo effect is gone.

  5. 45 sec ashen hollow won't be enough.
    Both Mad Paragon and Shock Barrier are stronger

    Second part of the legendary is pointless. Because it only comes into effect if you miss use Ashen Hallow

  6. I guess the kyrian leggo might work nice together with the common crusader strike macro, where you clear your target to have one in crusader strike range each time you use it. Some movement in addition and you have a nice glimmer spreading on enemies.

  7. Here's something to think about with the kyrian leggo. From a dungeon perspective, if you use divine toll on an ally putting glimmer on the party, then go back to hitting the boss or mobs, that passive holy shock will proc all the glimmer healing every 5 seconds. Yea it could go into overhaealing but it is an interaction to consider

  8. If they fix the Kryian lego to work with mouseover addons/macros it would be really cool. Sticking with Venthyr tho for pushing keys atm.

  9. I'm worried about Ret pala single Target Kyrian and necrolord. The burst is just absurd for the latter and consistent damage through wings for the former

  10. Rather than leaving the Ashen Hallow, it should be: "Casting Ashen Hallow again while its active will remove the hallowed ground and reduce its cooldown by up to 50% based on the remaining duration". That way you can still remove it , but wont be punished if you have to move out due to a mechanic.

  11. I wish the kyrian legendary acted like a smart heal. Healing lowest hp target nearby if a friendly is selected. Or dmging the targeted enemy if hostile selected.

    Alternately you can just have tank selected and keep holy shocking them while mouseover healing the rest, if it stays the same. Definitely pros and cons to the way its setup right now.

  12. I mean have the kyrian legendary just holy shock random enemy/ally in range depending if you used it defensively/offensively, you're so right about it feeling clunky due to having to CLICK on the target. Necrolord feels actually poggers, I wish it'll become a thing, for raiding at least. Venthyr is nice I guess. Also great content as usual man, love the awesome work you put in.

  13. Mad; looking at the Ashen Hallow legendary that refunds cooldown, what are your thoughts if Shaman would get a similar mechanic to our Deeptremor legendary (PremaQuake Earth Elemental Legendary)? I suppose it could read something like this:

    "Deeptremor Stone
    Runecarving Power
    Earth Elemental has a permanent Earthquake attached to it, and the cooldown of your Earth Elemental is reduced by 1 minute. Additionally, if the Earth Elemental is killed or dismissed before its full duration its cooldown will be reduced by its remaining duration."

    Something along the lines of refunding the cooldown if the Earth Elemental is killed or dismissed early? Also as resto shaman's weaker ashen hallow, would it be so insane to have the bsae cooldown reduced with this legendary from 5 minutes to lets say 4 (or go insane and make it 3.5-3 minutes)?

    Curious on your thoughts about the refund and reducing the base cooldown; separately and combined. Thanks for your time and all the work you do!

  14. Vanquisher's hammer might be strong but it feels awkward having to generate charges that heal both primary and secondary targets in a cone.
    There's so much overheal potential and it's not very reactive. VH should just make the next holy power spender free or something, it's not a very good design right now imo.

  15. i think again ashen hallow will play on in progress because of damage and hard raid cooldown. Kyrian Paladin is just pure hps. Higher hps but lower dps. So, i think if the damage of ashen doesn't nerfed, porbably venthyr pala is more playable.

  16. for the kyrian legy, i feel like it's a way to go more offensive as you got mad paragon for venthyr, but as kyrian you got literally no synergy / interaction with hammer of wrath right now, kyrian is only really good with shockbarrier, wich is only defensive or well, hps and does nothing for dmg.. the state paladin is in right now, kinda screws necrolord i guess?
    at least compared to kyrian and venthyr, but if there really might happen a shift in playstyle as it's kinda been teased with ion's statements regarding holy pally, it might become somewhat more attractive? also don't really know how to feel about nightfae, just seems so insanely underwhelming compared to the rest and more of a burden than actually being a nice addition to the kit .-.


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