Shadowlands 9.1 Patch Update (Mythic + RATING!? Class Changes)

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Shadowlands 9.1 Patch Update (Mythic + RATING!? Class Changes)


35 thoughts on “Shadowlands 9.1 Patch Update (Mythic + RATING!? Class Changes)”

  1. You may be overthinking the m+ score. It’s probably just based on key level, timing, and maybe number of deaths. They aren’t going to track interrupts or anything like that. At the end of the day if you timed the key, none of the rest matters.

  2. I saw the Hammer from the paladin in thumbnail and I was like "OH SHEEET! MY RET IS GETTING NERFED!" Thank God that they re-work the talents we never use.

  3. I like these big changes that we're getting and I hope the trend continues with future patches too. It brings some freshness to the game and something new to look forward to and try out. Previously in other expansions you'd get one update at the start and very rarely would you see any re-works or major updates through out the expansion which made things a bit boring. Now IF ONLY having alts would be a bit easier!

  4. Thanks bro great content and explanations appreciate the work you put in supatease…side note bro you are the best play by play caster for the AWC you literally have me watching at the edge of my seat

  5. Blizzard needs to change the pace. For so long we are seeing everything anti caster. This pvp talent season winds is ridiculous. Why? We already have enough of a strong toolkit to survive or counter casters. Why add more? Like you said shamans would've wanted and/or needed something to reduce damage against rogues or melee. This makes no sense and the fact they never made so far any of our pvp talents like lasso for ele baseline. No 4th pvp talent row. Blizzard is seriously wasting their time and at this point dont even give shamans anything if this is the best they got. As far as ele heck even enh. Why would u get rid of the 3 u currently use? Grounding, skyfury and lasso. Only time it's ever changed is for very niche scenarios like war hpal where u can drop grounding or skyfury for spectral. Or war with mw monk. Even with most melee esp dks. Grounding is just to go to give up

  6. Really not understanding the cardinal mending nerf. Feels like intentionally making disc more competitive and viable than hpriest, rather than there being the current pro-con system

  7. So what happens when you put a Static Field Totem down and a monk teammate puts ROP on it? Is the enemy just stuck bouncing for the duration?

  8. Think people severely misunderstands the Lawbringer change. You can essentially have it rolling on all 3 enemies within a 3v3 game, then each time you judgement a target, both the others will take 10% of their health. Should also be scaling with divine toll, meaning 2 members could take up to 40% of their health in a gcd. Not to mention potential crazy interactions with the new Kyrian legendary (recast divine toll, aka judgement, every 5 sec for 30 seconds.)

  9. From the Boys themselves:
    "The WoW development team has been in contact with us on this new Mythic+ scoring system, and they've expressed that they have designed theirs in a very similar way to how the Raider.IO Mythic+ Scoring system works . . . it will be incorporated into Raider.IO – once the feature is live on the PTR."

  10. My man , Supatease… really…I had an argument in the guild like a month ago and i told them exactly what you said… that i would actually "care" about RIO if it was exactly like PvP rating… you mess up, you lose some… And their reaction was so freaking fun, they ACTUALLY got scared in the idea… Do you believe the majority of PvErs can handle "losing" ?
    To be honest …people in the guild not really care because the normal is that we do stuff together in teams, help lower characters advance , explain game mechanics etc. , but they all told that if that ever happened , seriously, the LFG would be empty…

  11. Personal performance for WoW = completion. Do you really think that a game with an E Sports program that won't show 95% of metrics is going to grade you on them??? Really??

  12. Can you imagine a rating requirement for pve content to 😂😂😂😂 it ruined the game for pvp and made it gear > skill and made boosting 100x worse 😂😂😂


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