can any explain me how fire mag do 300k heal with no cast single spell, my druid healer done 350k and me shaman 80k and no manna, blizzard make joke from as?
shadow is better than affliction- you have to have to be damn good with it. It’s skill ceiling is much much higher so running into those spriest are rare. But affliction anyone can get on and preform decently and climb. Have an open mind.
shadow better than affi?!? huh?!?
Shadow is still a butler spec that fits either last B or in C tier.
Afflic is busted AF and has to be near-top A if not last in S.
Your videos couldn't be more boring.
nice thumbnail
and by nice thumbnail i mean you don't have one
can any explain me how fire mag do 300k heal with no cast single spell, my druid healer done 350k and me shaman 80k and no manna, blizzard make joke from as?
shadow is better than affliction- you have to have to be damn good with it. It’s skill ceiling is much much higher so running into those spriest are rare. But affliction anyone can get on and preform decently and climb. Have an open mind.
Bless you.
B tier affliction is insane
we loveeee arcane mage