@Supatease this video is not entirely accurate. It needs to be taken into account that the prioritization of the hot consumption of swiftmend has been changed to: Renewing Bloom, Regrowth, Wild Growth, THEN rejuv. This means that swiftmend can never consume a SOTF rejuv, which means goodbye big swiftmends. Renewing bloom is so tiny, and has highest priority, which means resto druids lose the catchup heal of swiftmend altogether, as well as basically any value of floral recycling. In an instance of coming out of cc and needing to recover HP, this is actually a massive nerf, it at least has to be acknowledged that swiftmend is now specifically only designed to be used as a hot extension, not an actual emergency heal
I hate to say it but R druid is 100% going to get nerfed(likely fairly quickly), its just far and away the best healer on the PTR and is quite honestly, brokenly good. Their damage with master shapesifter and HotW can be insanely strong, their healing throughput is just god tier(likely able to heal through pretty much any burst, so long as the person youre healing doesnt get 1 banged in 0.4 seconds lol) to the point where its hard to believe Blizzard intended it to be this strong in PvP, and obviously their mobility and utility are insane too. Not to mention tranq bubble on top of that. I know RMP is going to be likely insane, but if rdruid doesnt get nerfed itd be hard to imagine most people dont switch to playing RMD simply due to how strong rdruid is.
They're looking good for sure. One thing people seem to be forgetting when seeing healer buffs like rdruid and hpriest is that many dps classes are also getting big damage buffs, so healers need to be able to keep up with that damage as well… As a healer main (not just rdruid), I'd personally like to see a slightly slower meta, so i'm happy with them buffing healers because in my experience, my 3s games around 2300-2500 MMR range are almost never going into damp as it is for the higher mmr players. I think the games are even faster the lower MMR you go which is where the majority of the player base is at so yea, I'd like to see other healers being brought up a bit too tbh
I have played in seasons where resto druids are un-killable and I am not exxagerating when I say it is the most boring thing in the history of gaming. None of the other exciting offensive set pieces will matter when the other druid healer won't die until 10 min of dampening. I am out on that. No joke, been through it and it's BAD. HOTS and Bear form and cannot catch them or kill them. It's BAD.
Supatease here's the way i see it: on 1 hand Blizzard buffed the 2 strongest healers currently in PvP (9.1.5) Resto druid and Holy priest. On the other hand they nerfed holy paladin damage even more and left mw monk as it is. (No extra layer of defensive like other healers have). Now the worst thing is that If they dont strike the nerf/buff hammers accordingly in pvp its gonna make HUGE gaps between the best and worst healers and that will be hard (if not impossible) to fix later in the season. Now i know every spec had its season but that doesn't justify making these huge viability gaps between healers just because pve tuning overlaps pvp. Tuning should be separated for each side of the game.
There is one more build – Kyrian – you link yourself – get passive 210 mastery and 670 mastery + 15% more healing on link. Kyrian wasn't nerfed – they just buffed the option of linking yourself.
And it's not about dispel protection – Necro will be good if meta will be more about sustain damage and Kyrian if burst meta. NF is trash…
In 2's the damage with master shapeshifter and Heart of the wild is also absolutely insane.
Fu, after watching Supas videos I am going to have sooo many mains.
@Supatease this video is not entirely accurate. It needs to be taken into account that the prioritization of the hot consumption of swiftmend has been changed to: Renewing Bloom, Regrowth, Wild Growth, THEN rejuv. This means that swiftmend can never consume a SOTF rejuv, which means goodbye big swiftmends. Renewing bloom is so tiny, and has highest priority, which means resto druids lose the catchup heal of swiftmend altogether, as well as basically any value of floral recycling. In an instance of coming out of cc and needing to recover HP, this is actually a massive nerf, it at least has to be acknowledged that swiftmend is now specifically only designed to be used as a hot extension, not an actual emergency heal
Nerf bat is gonna slap hard!
The rich get richer.
Videos are too quiet on phones. Just a heads up
Finally, we will be abble to play healer without getting crazy dumb dmg OS…. Make healer great again
A video about counter FOM classes would be cool. Thanks for the info!
Bonus set farming killed pvp. And wow killed himself. Nothing left to say
I hate to say it but R druid is 100% going to get nerfed(likely fairly quickly), its just far and away the best healer on the PTR and is quite honestly, brokenly good. Their damage with master shapesifter and HotW can be insanely strong, their healing throughput is just god tier(likely able to heal through pretty much any burst, so long as the person youre healing doesnt get 1 banged in 0.4 seconds lol) to the point where its hard to believe Blizzard intended it to be this strong in PvP, and obviously their mobility and utility are insane too. Not to mention tranq bubble on top of that. I know RMP is going to be likely insane, but if rdruid doesnt get nerfed itd be hard to imagine most people dont switch to playing RMD simply due to how strong rdruid is.
They're looking good for sure. One thing people seem to be forgetting when seeing healer buffs like rdruid and hpriest is that many dps classes are also getting big damage buffs, so healers need to be able to keep up with that damage as well… As a healer main (not just rdruid), I'd personally like to see a slightly slower meta, so i'm happy with them buffing healers because in my experience, my 3s games around 2300-2500 MMR range are almost never going into damp as it is for the higher mmr players. I think the games are even faster the lower MMR you go which is where the majority of the player base is at so yea, I'd like to see other healers being brought up a bit too tbh
A new click bait video has sprouted 😀
luckily resto is my main 😀
Boosting druid to lvl60 right now.
This xpac should just be called Druidlands.
Stop trying to get out class nerfed please shhhhhhhh resto Druid is fine and perfectly balanced in pvp
Can tree form be banished by warlocks?
Quiet with this. Even with his buffs no one was talking about him, was hoping he’d be a sleeper while everyone went to play resto shaman.
I have played in seasons where resto druids are un-killable and I am not exxagerating when I say it is the most boring thing in the history of gaming. None of the other exciting offensive set pieces will matter when the other druid healer won't die until 10 min of dampening. I am out on that. No joke, been through it and it's BAD. HOTS and Bear form and cannot catch them or kill them. It's BAD.
It'll have to be nerfed hard, it sounds too ridiculous to leave it. Still waiting for some aff changes, probably gonna be next xpac.
Kinda glad I’ve been focusing on my Druid lately right before these nice buffs!
They really need to do some pvp specific tuning. Hope it'll happen 1-2 weeks into 9.2
Supatease here's the way i see it: on 1 hand Blizzard buffed the 2 strongest healers currently in PvP (9.1.5) Resto druid and Holy priest. On the other hand they nerfed holy paladin damage even more and left mw monk as it is. (No extra layer of defensive like other healers have). Now the worst thing is that If they dont strike the nerf/buff hammers accordingly in pvp its gonna make HUGE gaps between the best and worst healers and that will be hard (if not impossible) to fix later in the season. Now i know every spec had its season but that doesn't justify making these huge viability gaps between healers just because pve tuning overlaps pvp. Tuning should be separated for each side of the game.
Nothing new here to see
There is one more build – Kyrian – you link yourself – get passive 210 mastery and 670 mastery + 15% more healing on link. Kyrian wasn't nerfed – they just buffed the option of linking yourself.
And it's not about dispel protection – Necro will be good if meta will be more about sustain damage and Kyrian if burst meta. NF is trash…
How do you feel about kyrian resto sham with the earthquake Lego?