21 thoughts on “Shadowlands 9.2 Class PVP Tuning LOTS of NERFS”
get out of your moms basement supatese and get a real job all you care about is how fast you can get in and out of a arena and sad fact is wow listens to people like you.
I cant undertand why people complain about destro locks. Line the dark soul and you are fine. They will only OS if they get the chaos bolt proc with Dark Soul. Nerf the trinket, and not the class! In 2v2 Destro is not the same so nerfing them will make it unplayable in that bracket atleast.
Is buffs to casted heals the way to go though? Hpriest strength is the burst instant healing, not sustained casted. You'll spend time juking and your team mate dies anyway
I don't see why people like these changes every other week. You can level up and gear a character and then they nerf you all of a sudden and your class suddenly hits like a wet noodle. I played demo warlock and then they nerfed my a$$ to only tickle people with my bolts
Ok so, i cant 1 shot in Prot anymore, ok im cool with that. So, why is it that i can get smoked in a 6s stun lock in Prot spec by a Rogue? It doesnt feel like im a Tank when i die that quick.
get out of your moms basement supatese and get a real job all you care about is how fast you can get in and out of a arena and sad fact is wow listens to people like you.
As a assa rogue, I'm fine with the nerfs, it's a bit unreal 🤣
Complains are boring just enjoy the game ot's actually very good
On the shaman note I wonder: "when engaged in combat with enemy players" I Guess that's only in pvp battle like BG/arena and not in open world ofc.
Ahh how I wish there was a dk nerf. They have the strongest ability in the game
Stop hating Hpaladins, Blizzard. Please.
Where is Dh and outlaw nerf ?
Hunter every specc ???
Unholy DK ?
Fury ?
I love the updates but I got tired of worrying whether or not my class was going to be good and just decided to enjoy my main and stick with it
No destro nerf to the set bonus in pvp? Yikes
Destro Lock nerf pls
They really have nailed this patch so far pvp tuning almost every 2 weeks like it’s what have all dreamed of for so long
imagine bringing out content thats been waited on for months, already balanced correctly
I cant undertand why people complain about destro locks. Line the dark soul and you are fine. They will only OS if they get the chaos bolt proc with Dark Soul. Nerf the trinket, and not the class! In 2v2 Destro is not the same so nerfing them will make it unplayable in that bracket atleast.
No destro nerf/change?
Is buffs to casted heals the way to go though? Hpriest strength is the burst instant healing, not sustained casted. You'll spend time juking and your team mate dies anyway
2 seconds in already happy because there need to be a lot of nerfs pretty much every classes dmg needs to be nerfed lol
They nerf assa because so many people are crying. What about a 45k hp frost mage able to pump 400k damage in a 20 second arena.
I'm surprised destro and frost mage didn't make the list :/
I don't see why people like these changes every other week. You can level up and gear a character and then they nerf you all of a sudden and your class suddenly hits like a wet noodle. I played demo warlock and then they nerfed my a$$ to only tickle people with my bolts
Ok so, i cant 1 shot in Prot anymore, ok im cool with that. So, why is it that i can get smoked in a 6s stun lock in Prot spec by a Rogue?
It doesnt feel like im a Tank when i die that quick.