Shadowlands 9.2 Class PVP Tuning LOTS of NERFS

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Shadowlands 9.2 Class PVP Tuning LOTS of NERFS


21 thoughts on “Shadowlands 9.2 Class PVP Tuning LOTS of NERFS”

  1. I cant undertand why people complain about destro locks. Line the dark soul and you are fine. They will only OS if they get the chaos bolt proc with Dark Soul. Nerf the trinket, and not the class! In 2v2 Destro is not the same so nerfing them will make it unplayable in that bracket atleast.

  2. Is buffs to casted heals the way to go though? Hpriest strength is the burst instant healing, not sustained casted. You'll spend time juking and your team mate dies anyway

  3. I don't see why people like these changes every other week. You can level up and gear a character and then they nerf you all of a sudden and your class suddenly hits like a wet noodle. I played demo warlock and then they nerfed my a$$ to only tickle people with my bolts

  4. Ok so, i cant 1 shot in Prot anymore, ok im cool with that. So, why is it that i can get smoked in a 6s stun lock in Prot spec by a Rogue?
    It doesnt feel like im a Tank when i die that quick.


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