Shadowlands 9.2 Revealed: Eternity's End – Copium, Hopium or Unsubscribium?

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Shadowlands Patch 9.2 Reveal is here:

We take a look at the Announcement for the next Patch of Shadowlands, with some points on how it could shape up but also…..some theories on whether or not we’re approaching a WoW 2.0 and a reset of the Story being hinted at “ending” with Patch 9.2

02:29 9.2 Revealed Content =/= Not THE Problem
05:33 WHY It’s hard to cast any judgements YET
06:58 Class Tier Sets & Double Legendary Equippable
09:12 WoW 1 is ending in 9.2 – 9.3 will kickstart WoW 2
12:12 Thanks for coming to my TED 9.2 Talk

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37 thoughts on “Shadowlands 9.2 Revealed: Eternity's End – Copium, Hopium or Unsubscribium?”

  1. This is honestly the most bland and uninspired patch I have ever seen in my 16 years playing WoW. Here's some trees! Oh and water, but wait it's MAGIC water! Oh and some orbs and wait for it…OMG it's a pyramid! So original. The artist, the story team, EVERYONE failed this time, despite how much they circlejerk each other. Let's not even mention the tier sets, which were EXACTLY what people DIDN'T want and were complaining about sicne BFA. Complete and utter LACK of CLASS fantasy. People didn't want sets just for the set bonuses…even the creatures/pets/mounts are so bland…here's same exact the jellyfish mount we had 4 times, but now it's a ROBOT so kewl, amirite?

  2. The interviews with the devs give some answers to your questions, no more renown levels, there are more power gains than conduits and sockets, including tier pieces as a 'bad luck protection' for no drop in raid or great vault. No WoW2 was told a few days ago by Ion, but who knows.

  3. I’ll hold out for 9.2.5 once everything is flushed out before giving it a try. Sanctum was the first raid tier since Firelands that I skipped, and there’s no real big pull to bring me back. Truthfully I’m waiting for new talents to be added , and maybe a ranged survival spec being returned to the game. That or timewalking for all classic dungeons.

    Outside these things, Classic Wrath will return me closer to what WoW is in my mind than any direction they’re headed now. Great art assets

  4. What was the wording that was always used whenever a "WoW killer" was released?

    "The only thing that can kill WoW, is WoW."

    With all the recent hoopla regarding Blizzard, and the inevitable "end" of the WoW storyline, I am less interested in patch 9.2, and more interested in what lies beyond.

    In the meantime… New World has grabbed my attention and I am enjoying it muchly.

  5. I think it's a fine patch. Pretty standard, returning to old tier sets etc is all good changes to me, i like the art style and the zone genuinely intrigues me. I'm pretty positive about it and really want to play it.

    What i don't like is Blizzard trying to sell me the 9.2 as a revolutionary and unique patch when the new zone is "yellow bastion" and how they're closing up a 15yo story as if it was all a well-though plan through the expansions. No, it wasn't. There's gonna be Uther and Arthas, all SL lore and story comes out from nowhere and the whole thing has been retconned in multiple ways during the years.

    Please Blizzard, you just needed to say "we recognized how many ideas didn't work for the playerbase, we're trying to get to more classic solutions without discarding years of improvement". This literally killed a substantial part of the hype i generally get for new WoW announcements.

  6. Sooo, we went through a portal into the Shadowlands, and now we are going through another portal to yet another place. Please tell me WHY, because I really don't know at this point. Why don't we just go back to Azeroth and forget the whole thing!

  7. for me it doesn't really matter since Blizzard is an evil company. They wouldn't hire me even if I was the most qualified person for the position I would apply for, just because I'm born the wrong skin color – meaning I will never again in my entire life support them with my money – until the company is reformed, led by their original, core values that helped them shape WoW into one of the best games ever: don't hold your breath for this one tho. They are located in Commiefornia, no hope there. Wokism/Communism is destroying everything it gets it's hands on.

  8. I agree with most of your sentiments.

    I am looking forward to WoW’s future. Sure, SL wasn’t perfect but it’s still far above the quality of most games out there. 15 dollars a month for hours on end of play? And I’ve been playing since Vanilla on and off for years (raiding mostly).

    Also. I really appreciate your relatively objective take on the direction of WoW. I’ve since hid all the Bellular’s out there as I cannot stand having them post a daily video of 10 min criticizing every inch of the game. If you don’t like it, voice your opinion and add weight to it by unsubscribing if it’s so terrible to you. But they are truly acting like butthurt Karen’s. Cheers to you!


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