i plan to use the death chakram legendary and the feign death one for pve. i already have both and i find it a nice addition to Survivability and also add a aoe effect.
Played this yesterday and the dot dmg wasnt buffed correctly on procs, my procs werent refunding 18s like they should rather the next bomb available wont incur CD, the dmg feels very lack luster. and not worth running wildfire infusion. I then went back and qued some 2.5cr surv 2s in retail and tbh the dmg felt better in retail then in 9.2. i assume they will fix scaling though.
MM though is a bit sleeper, the trick shot across a 3s team when your pumping and they collapse is actually pretty damn big.
First!! I love SV hunter!
I hope they nerf SV. SV/destro/rogue/mages damage is just insane and well overtuned.
WW Monk next !!
I prefer Flanking Strike for the extra mobility. Mongoose feels so clunky…
Love that intro lmfao
I’m thinking of doing a similar build but as necro. The damage on every class is going to be so insane the fleshcraft is going to be needed.
This is deffo going to be my main 9.2 I love it!
MM is far better
glad i been a surv main since the beginning of time xd
Could you do a similar video for fire mage, resto druid and Holy priest?
i plan to use the death chakram legendary and the feign death one for pve. i already have both and i find it a nice addition to Survivability and also add a aoe effect.
Played this yesterday and the dot dmg wasnt buffed correctly on procs, my procs werent refunding 18s like they should rather the next bomb available wont incur CD, the dmg feels very lack luster. and not worth running wildfire infusion. I then went back and qued some 2.5cr surv 2s in retail and tbh the dmg felt better in retail then in 9.2. i assume they will fix scaling though.
MM though is a bit sleeper, the trick shot across a 3s team when your pumping and they collapse is actually pretty damn big.