Shadowlands a good PvP Expansion?

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Shadowlands worth it for pvp
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27 thoughts on “Shadowlands a good PvP Expansion?”

  1. I think it will get better as gear gets stronger and we get more versatility, but it feels a small bit too bursty. Sub rogue and MM hunter are abusing this, but I think only a small nerf to damage will make this feel amazing,

  2. I don’t know about not nerfing some abilities. I’ve been crit between 15-27k many times in battlegrounds already, sometimes more than my entire healthpool. How is anyone meant to be competitive if you’re dead before you have time to react?

  3. the expansion is good so far, I love that there is no pvp scalling, rogues fell to strong right now in pvp, and the only thing that bothered me so far was that it's barely second week into Shadowlands and when I wanted to do some myth0 people already request you to be 175+ ilvl and there I was with my 171 ilvl sitting and getting declined by everyone… that's a bit ridiculos but I guess where blizz doesn't fail the community does.

  4. yeah , yesterday they use the mindset of mobile gaming, rn with shadowlands they do a good job thinking with PC gamers mindset. hope they keep doing this good pace to the future and listen to the players and community ✌😁

  5. "Probably 1 of my favourite exp" yes, after 1 week, wait 1-2 months and you will see that is Bfa DLC. Only new zones and a tower? That is shadowlands, another boring exp.

  6. Shadowlands PVP looks to be the best so far, they just need to make some adjustments

    i mean some classes can literally one-shot you with pretty much 0 counterplay, and what happens when two of them attack you at once ? insta loss in arena

  7. I thinks its early to judge. My opinion that damage and healing is too high. Sometimes people can deal 20k damage and you cant react to this oneshot. And sometimes you can heal yourself for 15k with two buttons. I think they shoud nerf heal and damage for 15-25% and it will be great.

  8. Nah, they should add World PvP objectives like they did in BC that give map buffs. It would give more incentive to wPvP. Or better yet add FFA on the map outside of wPvP objectives. Every faction deserves a right to know who their toxic players are.

  9. Amazing video and amazing expansion. Hope that they buff frost DK that I main..coming from BfA we got so much nerfed it feels we are the ret pala now! And yeah, more buffs and less nerfs! Let's make Azeroth fun again

  10. I like balanced gameplay, dont like it too fast ,dont like it too slow, like MoP ,it was the peak of PvP which they will never have again in their game, since most of their crew now is feminists and other trash activists , and the older ppl that are there just go along with it cause they are old fucks who go with what's "IN" nowadays


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