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A guide to one of the most hyped specs for Shadowlands. How is the impact of losing Azerite/Essences? Which options do they have for Legendaries/Covenants/Conduits? How differently will the spec play? We go over Shadow Priest in Shadowlands and see what we can expect of the spec in just a few weeks.
0:00 BFA Borrowed Powers
2:28 Basics & Rotation
4:20 Talent Options
5:26 Talents
9:50 Legendaries
12:35 Covenants
14:45 Conduits
16:39 SPriest Scaling
17:42 FOTM Trap
20:25 Outro
As for popular request, the Shadow Priest WA:
Played shadow fairly consistently for 8 years. I don’t think it’s ever felt this good. That’s just my opinion but I think it’s well deserving of being FOTM.
TBH, if you compare anyone's toolkit to rogue, they're gonna look like shit too. Rogues have been in need of serious pruning, at least to shroud of concealment and a nerf to cloak of shadows for a good while. Shadow priest still brings mass dispel, their own purge, disease removal, a 4 sec ranged stun or a 2 sec aoe disorient, 5% extra stam for the group (healer priests are even more meme than shadow because of Holy/Disc's shit defensives for higher keys, especially during tyrannical).
Spriest brings good utility, you just can't compare it to rogues. Warlock utility is mainly useful for raids, not even M+ as healthstones can laughably be provided by an alt, and besides that their only utility is gateway for M+.
Demonhunter's purge is on a cd, their main draw is the extra % magic damage, and they're currently a total meme class after they got gutted.
I also am not understanding why frost DK would be considered FOTM when it is by far the weakest DK spec and lower middle of the pack if even middle of the pack with far worse scaling than unholy DK.
I'm confused
I've been hearing you almost never take Mindbender from other spriests.
Thank you !
Do mage IzenBaby!
Post Frost DK or I report you to the flute police.
Thanks for the vid man! I'm really hoping you'll do one for Frost DK. I played one in Cata and loved it. I'd really like to check it out again but I'm worried the spec was split in two (2H Obliterate and DW BoS) and each one will only be viable half the time. 🙁
Please do frost dk so the Acherus discord can shut up about sims please
I'm going to fall in the two Fotm trap going for Spriest and FDk
I really hope they keep the damage tuned. I'd hate to see them destroy this spec after suffering for so long with the scuffed Voidform.
I didn't read through other comments, but in SL the changes to void torrent has made it stronger than mindbender in ST situations, mindbender is still better in M+ though, you said mindbender dominates this row which isn't true.
rogue main, priest alt. Happy with my choices
I REALLY need to know what that WeakAura is
Shit man, I've mained SPriest for 12 years. Through the good and the bad. I agree with you that it's the riskiest but fuck it we're going to make it work.
Many thanks for the vid dude and for sharing the WA! I stumbled upon Spriest as I was just lvling toons and the gameplay was just what I wanted Affi to be that why I think I'm going to risk it. Yup I have just made my decision my Ranged Alt is SPriest 😀
definetly going for sp but making warlock alt as well in any case.
Melee dps spec, huh? Is it survival hunter😉
That is not how unholy nova works. Also, S2M was always competetive with HV, just not on every fight. If there is adds it will often be stronger.
Did you get in trouble for ripping the 20th centruy fox theme with a recorder?
Okay guide for LFR players I guess
Do BM Hunter guie lol!!!
Isn't every soul bind limited to 2 potency conduits? (In terms of scaling as you listed the interaction between 3 conduits)
But it's so fun tho! Who wouldn't want to fall in this trap? xD
Sp stat prio in SL for m+/raid?
its not fotm if I played it in bfa :'(
Whats sp stat prio for raids and m+ ?
with pelagos, we only can use 2 potency counduits, not 3. is that ok?
Thx soooo much for this guide. I was really thinking about making sp my main dps spec, but the cons about only having 1 dps spec as a priest it's so strong in my fears. So even sp is so popular now… I'll leave it. Now… Lock or mage? 🙂
When is the feral guide?😁
Hey nice vid, What addon are you using for combat text on right side?
I've been a shadow priest main for a few years now and I'm hyped for Shadowlands. I don't expect the fotm to stick around too long but I'm glad people are trying out shadow and enjoying it. I would like to comment that the stigma of shadow not having much utility is somewhat misplaced. Our utility falls in the category of control, I would say. Being able to Leap of Faith a healer in a dangerous spot or who's fallen behind, providing burst of mobility with Body and Soul on teammates, preventing countless wipes with the powerful healing provided by Vampiric Embrace. We don't have a great kick but the silence is helpful to move caster mobs into the group. Mind control can also be incredibly powerful to move a target that won't stop casting or can't be kicked due to interrupt cooldowns. We also have an offensive dispel, complimented by mass dispel which can be used both offensively and defensively. We have an aoe fear that can also be used as an interrupt, and can talent into a stun of needed, but I find the 30s cooldown on silence to be more helpful. Shackle undead has been useful in dungeons in the past and I expect it to have some use in Shadowlands. And while we don't have shroud, we will have Soothe Mind which will allow for some skipping in dungeons in SL. I think that the amount of utility that a shadowpriest provides has a lot to do with how experienced the priest is. A lot of classes can provide utility that's obvious and direct, whereas our utility really does come from a support aspect that requires reaction rather than proaction.
Thanks for the video! I love your content, I've learned so much!
EDIT: Also, everyone loves the apparitions!
Im 100% a noob what is a dot on target? Im trying to learn how to play this
The thing is, even if they nerf the damage of spriest, it’s one of the beat designed specs in quite some time. It actually FEELS good. All the other required specs are pretty much nickel and dimeing at that point. For the average player normal to heroic raid and up to 10-15 keys spriest will be just fine
good to see more content izen, you tend to go more in depth and i enjoy that.
Always loved the older versions of Shadow, so can't wait for this new version no matter how the damage works out
I think I’m gonna risk it with shadow priest.. even though they don’t have much to bring to the table, they are a very fun class to play. Just hope they don’t decide to nerf it the last minute !
Great vid. Really hyped about maining shadow priest into shadowlands. I really like the weak aura you are using. Would you mind sharing it? I'd really like to use it myself. Thank you.
Something you forgot to mention when you were talking about the synergy between the conduits, you won't be able to use all 3 of those, as you're only able to slot in 2 potency conduits max, regardless of which soulbind you use.
You are underestimating the extra insanity too much ..
thank you , great video 🙂
Can you post your ui add-ons ? I'm a new shadow priest and this setup looks sooo good
How to make that power bar for insanity? Looks awesome!