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Shadowlands: A Virtual Dramatic Presentation
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Love it.
Thank you for this outstanding performance. We hope to see more of your presentations.
Unexpected format but pleasant nonetheless. Whaatever happened to Douglas? Reality has a way of questioning one's faith, but solid faith persevers.
Enjoyed this immensely!
Absolutely incredible performances. I couldn’t stop crying. So raw and truthful. I had no knowledge of the personal life of C.S. Lewis. It was so beautiful to see the real Christian struggle.
At first it was hard to adjust to this forum but l have to say that l really enjoyed the story and the acting so much. It moved me deeply. In 1994, l was fortunate to see this movie in the theater. I was almost ready to have my second daughter and we had not yet picked her middle name. When l went to have her only a few days later, we ended up choosing "Joy" for her middle name. That name was very fitting for her even to this day. Thank you for this beautiful story.
Too real, I’ve lost two wives, the latest six months ago. Couldn’t not watch this. Well done.
Beautifully done! Thank you so much !
Absolutely brilliant! A great performance by everyone.
Excellent play. Very emotional and heart breaking when Joy dies just as their love begins to blossom.
Wonderful performance! Bravo! It was our first experience viewing theater virtually and it felt intimate and powerful! Good job everyone!
Amazing presentation! Cerebral material + superb casting with exquisite acting + engaging still-scene backdrop photography with effective sound effects to create a sense of place = a new public performance art form for the Covid era that engaged my mind AND my imagination.
You have captured simultaneously my joy at reading a good book, and the thrill of watching a good movie. While a movie forces us to shut down our own imaginations and submit by force to its creators’ vision; and a novel is hard-pressed to come to life and engage a dull-witted or unimaginative reader; yet in this new format you have married our imaginations with your own restrained artistry to provoke an astonishing and very satisfying experience!
You suggest enough to give the unimaginative all they need to engage, yet without overwhelming those of us who delight in filling in with our own imaginations what is only hinted at by the actor’s words and scant props within each of their zoom-boxes. Bravo! MORE of this!
Outstanding play. Very moving and intimate with focus on words and emotions.
I saw this performed once in high school, and didn't think I'd have the chance to see it again! Thank you so much for posting this. It's just as touching and impactful now as it was to me then.
Great performance ! Wonderful follow up to our book club discussion of BECOMING MRS. LEWIS !
Who played the part of CS Lewis?
So glad you are showing this. Thank you so much
No thanks, I like Sunshine land.
Amazing. The performances were wonderful. I am so thankful for being able to watch this, I could never have had the ability to see this any other way. This sharing of C. S. Lewis and Joy’s life and love is a gift to be treasured.
Wow, great content, powerful performance!!! Thank you!!!
Excellent production. Thank you.
Loved it!!!
Only shadows? I don’t understand. What are the shadows? Events of this life before eternal life? Enjoyed the story. Well performed. Thank you for sharing.
Very different presentation but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Very well done!
Beautifully done!! Loved this so much! Thank you !!
Absolutely beautiful! Excellent ensemble!
Anita Moorjani was told that she only had 36 hours left to live. Her body was riddled with cancer which had been growing for four years. Two weeks later the cancer was gone. Doctors were astounded. Miraculous cures do happen. She is now an international speaker. Her first book, "Dying to be Me" was a NYT best seller. When she was at her most ill, she crossed over to the Other Side [heaven] and came back. The human spirit never dies.
I've seen this play in live theater with two different casts/adaptations. The acting and adaptation in this performance by far equals and surpasses them! CS Lewis's experience of love, faith and suffering is so impactful and even more relevant during these times.
What wonderful acting of a remarkable play!
Excellent presentation. I am so pleased that I took the time to listen and experience a touch of what is totally truth in a rare form! Such a blessing to watch Shadowlands. Thank you for offering this type of presentation. I have so much respect for CS Lewis.
I was able to sit front row center in NY a few years ago for this performance. I could have sat in the seat all night with this cast. I am glad to have the opportunity to see the cast again. Standing Zoom ovation!
Bravo. Very well done.
Awesome performance. Having recently lost a husband suddenly it spoke to miens many ways. Feel blessed to have been able to see his play.