Shadowlands Afterlives: Bastion

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Uther the Lightbringer, Paladin of the Silver Hand, met an untimely demise … but his service is not done. When he passes into the afterlife, Devos – a Paragon of Bastion – takes Uther under her wing, only to learn that some mortal wounds run deeper than she could imagine.

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38 thoughts on “Shadowlands Afterlives: Bastion”

  1. Back in warcraft 3, Kil'jaeden forged frostmourne, the helm of domination, and the constructs of the Lich King from the soul of the orc shaman-turned-warlock Ner'zhul. Are powerful demons able to use the power of the Twisting Nether to harness the power of the Maw … or have things been retconned to stitch together story bits for the convenience of Blizzard writers?

  2. This is still my favorite of the Afterlife shorts…and god I love Devos for how she understands what went down with Arthas and the power of the Maw, but you have to wonder if Arthas truly deserved to just be tossed in like he was. After all, he WAS under the mind control of the Jailor, and typically anyone that has been mind controlled in the past usually gets forgiven for what they did under that point.

  3. Archon "you will abandon this course"
    Devos: "as you command…my Archon"
    Archon "You betray the path!"
    Devos "I said that "i will abandon it"…i never mentioned what course "

  4. So, didn't the ICC Cinematic (You know "Father, is it over?") want to tell us that Arthas was a puppet of the Lichking? Wouldn't Uther know that and see that punishing Arthas does not punish the one who murdered him?

  5. These stories are awesome. I love these animations you guys do! I'm going to school so I can make stuff like this… I've always wanted to create characters and worlds. I think a lot of that inspiration came from you guys at blizzard!

  6. Something I think that would had been cool is adding a new hidden hint in the old WOTLK Arthas death scene and just see a shadowy hand
    in one of his eyes when he says he sees darkness.
    Its not much but sometimes those little details just add nice flavor to games/movies.

  7. Doesn't this render Arthas and the Lich King kinda pointless?
    I mean, they/he was THE big bad, master of the Scourge, quite possibly the most powerful being of his time.
    But he/they were only puppets?
    Can't say I like this angle.

  8. That other one that Devos talks to – Thenios? Is he voiced by Tim Russ? The delivery on "Why are you training this soul? It is beneath your station as a paragon" sounds EXACTLY like Tuvok.

  9. So Arthas didn't deserve the Maw but a evil Kyrian manipulated Uther into casting him into the Maw. The key thing that makes Arthas unworthy of the Maw is that he was tricked and corrupted. I hope we can end the kyrian manipulating Uther.

  10. This is so perfect, the voice acting is amazing. The art is incredible. The chills when you see Arthas laying there, the subtle movement of the eyes and eyebrows say a lot at when he is realising.


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