Shadowlands Afterlives: Bastion – Reaction

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Diving into a new mini series Shadowlands Afterlives! Starting off with Bastion, really cool animation and story telling as usual.


2 thoughts on “Shadowlands Afterlives: Bastion – Reaction”

  1. fast explanation. Arthas was at one point a good boy but became the Lich King and wields the sword Frostmourne. when he kills someone with his sword it consumes their soul (you will often hear the phrase "Frostmourne hungers…") Uther was training him to serve "The Light" before he turned. When he stabbed Uther only half of his soul went into Frostmourne. The other half was saved by "The Light" and was sent to Bastion. At the end you see the result of when your character in the game defeats The Lich King and Uther takes his soul to the Maw to be punished for eternity.

  2. Arthas was the 2nd Lich King after Nerzhul. Arthas makes up what in my opinion one of the top 3 wow storyline. Wildly regarded as #1 though. His impact even years after his death is undeniable.


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