Shadowlands and Shadowbringers are the SAME (Kinda)

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Shadowlands and Shadowbringers are the SAME (Kinda). We’re discussing the grand themes that are very similiar and why it …


11 thoughts on “Shadowlands and Shadowbringers are the SAME (Kinda)”

  1. So i just told this to my wife.
    So to get the full lore of the gods…
    instead of buying a fucking book… i had a better idea,

    Across the realm of WoW, there could be pieces of collectable parchment papers that you can find laying around in the world and in dungeons that you can grab and read. You could find some in ingame libraries and buy some from specific NPS (that dabble in research) and when you get them all they could combine in to a book that you can read to get info on whatever the hell that book covers… bonus points if players could print it off.

    now idk much about WoW cause I didn't play a whole lot but that would be so cool.

  2. FFXIV stays grounded as they introduce new stuff so it doesn't seem like they 'jumped the shark'. Also, while Shadowbringers details some history and lays out the landscape, you only get to the truly important bits in Endwalker.

  3. Warcraft also has the annoying habit of changing the entire world lore over and over again. 14 isn't perfect either; there are some retcons here & there but they manage to at least keep it consistent.

    WoW is like "oh this happened but really that was caused by this, but what really happened was that, but it was also because of this guy who was the pawn of that guy, but this guy is in fact using that guy for some master plan


    but none of it mattered anyway because one NPC that just randomly appeared one expansion turned out to be behind all the things that happened in the lore since Warcraft 3, rendering every character arc during & after null & void"

    Sometimes I wonder if the writers have ever actually sat down to read a book series. Most YA novels have a better grasp on story than the current writing team…

  4. Interesting comparison, emet was however more relatable. But he was also still more powerful than us even with ardbert. If graha didn’t do what he did, we would have lost and emet knew it. He was also brilliant to use the light wardens essences to hinder and possibly kill us. But for me it was how understandable he was. We all have a home, a family. Anyone would do the same


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