Shadowlands Arcane Mage- Viewer Video Review: +16 DoS Arcane Echo + Harmony crit/haste build

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Welcome to the Study! Today I have a super unique video review, this is an entirely different build from the traditional arcane mythic+ build. Our viewer is using arcane harmony in combo with arcane echo and running a crit/haste setup.

In this video I breakdown some key mistakes, and showcase some great things our user is doing. Although this build is definitely weaker than the traditional build, the viability to have the same build in raid and mythic+ can be very appealing, and our viewer makes it work pretty effectively on this run.

As always I want to give a HUGE thank you to our viewer. Being willing to share a video of your run takes courage, knowing that your mistakes will be pointed out for others to see. This is how we can all improve though, and being able to learn from your mistakes will only lead to more DPS next time.

I hope you enjoyed this viewer video review, please arcane blast the shit out of that subscribe button for me and make sure your barrage hits the like button. This really will help me continue to make these videos and keep the arcane dream alive! 😀


9 thoughts on “Shadowlands Arcane Mage- Viewer Video Review: +16 DoS Arcane Echo + Harmony crit/haste build”

  1. Hey Brof. Couple of questions I hope you can answer.
    1) do you have a discord? Not like your personal discord, but a Brof. Fan discord? (Or a stream?)
    2) A very lowkey arcane mage did a video guide I stumbled on and suggests that haste is actually undervalued because it sims a lot better for encounter sims that include light to heavy movement. What are your thoughts there?

  2. Around 22:15, how did they mass kill frogger? (I am poor at movement and target switching, hence why I like explosion – can move and need no target.) I have to go slowly and deliberately across frogger. (P.S., I use explosion for free arcane charges as I go across frogger.)

    I didn’t think about cancelling PoM to force a timer reset. Good you spotted it and gave tip. I’ll keep that in mind. Watching this, hoarding cooldowns is still my #1 issue. I’ve improved from about 40% use to 60% use since watching you but have a ways to go. My 60% use is mostly effective use though. My worry is dropping it and then having to leave it. I figure, using it 100% of the time but having to abandon its placement 40% of the time is the same as 60% effective use. 6 of one, half dozen of the other. Thoughts? (Still interested in some more positional awareness commentary for planting rune in future vids – e.g. right here is good but over here would not be, based on where the fight is taking place right now.)

    Thanks for your rotation vids. I’m practicing on the dummy but I’m not getting numbers like you, though I’m 205 ilvl. I’ll continue the practice “assignment” from the Brofessor to build that habit. Thanks for helping us all “study!”

  3. Hello Brofessor 😀 as a german myself, i was surprised seeing another mate submitting a video to you 😀 it was a nice change to see someone play with the arcane echo build and really putting out nice numbers…however i do agree with you that our traditional build for m+ would have done even more damage.
    But a question considering the soulbind/conduit thing…. is the crit buff from Korayn really worth giving up on the second potency slot with Magi's Brand ?

  4. obviously this guy got a nice gear score but with so much Mastery i think an AoE Rotation with many Barrages (w legendary) and arcane Explosions would do massive dmg because mastery does scale best on explosions and its uncapped

  5. Hey Brofessor and first of all thank you for reviewing my run. I'm kind of new to mage in general and i always try to improve and clear out those mistakes. I really enjoyed to hear your comentary and yes, i have to work on my use of shifting Power and use more defensives xD. Now that i review my own run together with your advices i feel like i now know exactly what things i can improve and optimize.You really show that you have a great knowledge of that class and that Specc and you have a eye for those small things. Thank you for that and keep up our great work 😀 cheers


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