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0:00 Intro
0:32 Luxthos Warrior Rotation Weakaura
2:10 Plater
2:38 Tidy Plates (Plater alternative)
4:15 Details
5:05 Miks Scrolling Battle Text
6:06 Big Debuffs
6:38 Omni CD
7:00 Outro
Please see here for the list of all the addons I’m using:
Please note I misspoke in the video! I’m only raiding Tuesday/Weds/Thurs every week!
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I read and respond to all comments, if you’re unsure about anything or have any questions please just ask!
#shadowlands #armswarrior #wowaddons
I also definitely recommend Luxthos. Super good weakaura setup. I think it's just missing a couple of things like pvp trinket and after a while in a bg I'll forget if I have it ready and have to look down lol. Nice though. I need to add in a few of these. I'm not keen on the battle text myself, but that one reason does make sense that you had. Thanks for the help
still stuck leveling lol
Could you break down a windwalker fight?
Hey man, just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to share that with us, really appreciate you sir. Have an awesome week.
Like like like!!!!
If you have any tips for increasing DPS during the different raid bosses, I would love to see those videos.
Nice, had all of these except tidy plates. Next download for sure!
Yes! This is exactly what I am looking for. I am pretty new to warrior and want to improve my gameplay to be better at pvp. Thanks man
YES!! Thanks!
safequeue is only for classic?
Thanks for the video dude! Great stuff.
I wanna see some M+ run and synergy with different classes
Nice wid man 😁
Which add on puts your health and the targets health right next to the Luxthos abilities? I feel like I grabbed everything you did but I can't figure that one out lol
Happy with my decision to drop ret pally and be an arms warrior, your guides are fresh and helpful for someone who is coming to the class for the first time ever
Do you have any problems using msbt? I get constant lua errors when u try to use it
Love the channel so far. Thank you!
What's the best way to target mobs in Mythic+? Tab sometimes targets far off mobs and then I have to hit tab a few more times to get back to the mob in melee range. It's killing my DPS when this happens.
what about the party unit frames?
Hey, I really like your content! Could you maybe make a video or shortly talk about the rotation that you have set for the Arms Warr and the Shortcut/hotkeys that you have setup?
Another great video. Straight to the point, and you didn't waste time on other addons that you knew people weren't interested in to inflate the video length. Cheers!
Hey there – I’m using aferna WA for Arm warrior. Could u tell me how to get Ignore pain to show up as an icon?
Haytham need to know you got the utilities section of your WA to always stay visible. They only appear when their on CD.
This video contains very important and interesting information. I like it…
New sub. Thanks for the great content. As an old returning player these guides help so much.
can u explain how to get the defensives and utilities on the WA underneath your rage bar?
Arms warrior is bottom tier for m+
Could you share your Luxthos weakaura config please ?