Shadowlands Arms Warrior Addons [WoW]

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0:00 Intro
0:32 Luxthos Warrior Rotation Weakaura
2:10 Plater
2:38 Tidy Plates (Plater alternative)
4:15 Details
5:05 Miks Scrolling Battle Text
6:06 Big Debuffs
6:38 Omni CD
7:00 Outro

Please see here for the list of all the addons I’m using:

Please note I misspoke in the video! I’m only raiding Tuesday/Weds/Thurs every week!

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I read and respond to all comments, if you’re unsure about anything or have any questions please just ask!

#shadowlands #armswarrior #wowaddons


28 thoughts on “Shadowlands Arms Warrior Addons [WoW]”

  1. I also definitely recommend Luxthos. Super good weakaura setup. I think it's just missing a couple of things like pvp trinket and after a while in a bg I'll forget if I have it ready and have to look down lol. Nice though. I need to add in a few of these. I'm not keen on the battle text myself, but that one reason does make sense that you had. Thanks for the help

  2. What's the best way to target mobs in Mythic+? Tab sometimes targets far off mobs and then I have to hit tab a few more times to get back to the mob in melee range. It's killing my DPS when this happens.

  3. Another great video. Straight to the point, and you didn't waste time on other addons that you knew people weren't interested in to inflate the video length. Cheers!


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