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Be kind please lol. This is my first Youtube video like this. If people like this, i will try and do more in the future.
World of Warcraft, WoW, Shadowlands, SL, Assassination, Subtlety, Rogue, iL, item level, 264, 2’s, arenas, RBGs, Season 3, Tier, Set Bonus,PvP, Guide
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A link to the talents I am using PvE. It’s the standard Assass Rogue PvE talents:
A link to the talents I am using for PvP.
Sicarius | Assassination Rogue | iL 273
0:00 Intro
0:26 Stats
0:35 Gear & Legendaries
1:29 Tier Pieces
1:51 Legendaries
2:34 Talents
4:56 PvP Talents
6:12 Covenant
6:44 Conduits
7:54 Opener/Rotation
Thank you for this! I recently started maining rogue and leveled up mostly as sub. Switched to Assassinstion yesterday and I'm level 59 atm so I needed this!
Assassination is a pretty amazing spec this expac, and that 4-set combination with the legendary to reduce vendetta's cooldown makes rogues a very lethal enemy.
Since I'm an Iron level Paladin, my only option is to bubble hearth. I've had one of these Assassination rogues delete my paladin in about 6 seconds. 👀
Ps, great guide, really like how you went into detail with each talent and legendary. Pretty great you also were in the old rogue class hall.
No slice and dice?
nice video dude – what trinkets you recommend?
Dude i love your ui! Looks very smooth and useful, what addons are you using?