Shadowlands Assassination Rogue Buffs! (Thoughts/Opinions of Viability)

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Yep, another 8% across the board! Pretty spicy, but is it enough?

0:00:00 Introduction
0:00:40 Overview/Blue Post Announcement
0:01:57 Raid Viability
0:03:04 Mythic Plus Viability
0:04:23 Kinda Sorta PvP Discussion but not Really lol
0:05:16 Closing Thoughts/Recap/Thank Yous

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*Okayest Rogue in North America is subject to debate and might be less than or more than Okayest at any given time.

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Much appreciation to Shane Ivers – for his musical piece “The Buccaneer’s Haul” Which I used a portion of after adding a couple sound effects from WoWHead.


16 thoughts on “Shadowlands Assassination Rogue Buffs! (Thoughts/Opinions of Viability)”

  1. While I am an outlaw rogue first and foremost, I hate seeing any rogue spec un-played or underperform, so it's with jubilation that I get to let you folks know about that 8% buff coming to assassination with this weekly reset. ^^ While I feel there is still a bit more they could do for assassination, I'm hoping this at least shows it's still on Blizzard's radar for working on it.

  2. Too be fair, 8% is not enough for Sin Rogue now.
    We need just a better scaling for secondary attributes / maybe a change to Legendarys that a new one will give us a good amount of Haste while doing something ( idk, maybe per Bleed / Poison X% of Haste )
    And, i know, maybe some people do not agree with that, but Crimson Tempest, the bleed AOE Finisher Sin Rogues can skill in the last talent row should be baseline.
    Sub has now Black Powder and Outlaw.. is outlaw, it's a Monster in AOE anyway.
    And Sin? Has just the 20% Procc Chance for the Poison Vial.
    I played Sin Rogue in BFA S4 in M+ ( mostly +14 – +17 Keys ) and Crimson Tempest was a MONSTER in AOE Fights. It boosts your AOE potential so damn good, it's unbelievable. We need it as Baseline. Pls. Blz. Pls.

  3. I have hated combat rogue since LK… Been assin/sub forever. I will not bend to the dam metas this game keeps creating. That being said… I have not leveled my rogue as a result of how bad assin feels.

  4. Obviously this won’t fix everything, but it’s a step in the right direction. Blizz still needs to look at how to make assassination more viable for mythic plus, but I’m excited to give it a try in raid.

  5. I think its too late to stop at making Assassination competitive with Outlaw and Sub. Folks are already nearly two months invested in grinding legendaries for the other two. Assassination would have the be measurably BETTER, not just in the same ballpark at this point in order to entice anyone to switch up and farm more of the much despised Soul Ash.

  6. in 6 years of playing wow i never played rogue until last week..outlaw felt too messy, assassination was fun but the damage and stamina regen was demoralising, i found sub to be the easiest for a beginner like me; but the legendary i want drops from denathrius (rip).

  7. Hey RR good stuff as always. I read somewhere the 8% is only on abilities so melee doesn't get the increase so this is more like a 6% buff in overall dps. Not sure how accurate this is. I'm old and struggling with sub so I may try to go back to assassin or even try your favorite outlaw. In any event thanks for all the help. I fixed something with move anything thanks to you…


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