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Overview of Balance Druid for PvE content, a quite popular and pretty powerful spec in BFA, what changed in Shadowlands?
How does the new Eclipse work? How does your rotation look like now? Any interesting Legendaries? Let’s go and cover this the spec and see what it has become.
0:00 Intro
0:55 Eclipse&Mastery Goodness
4:40 Rotation
7:15 Talents
13:20 Legendaries
17:15 State of Balance
Video from October 28th, reuploaded from my alt-account after finally getting acces back here!
Resto druid or feral next! I’ll send the tip to your only fans
Demo lock next. It backstabbed me.
I’ve played again my balance druid and it was a little bit clunky and strange at first but finally I prefer how it is right now. There is a real rotation, but unfortunately this rotation allows only a few talents choices.
Also thanks for some tips, I didn’t know that dots should be applied on non eclipse state. I thought eclipses enhanced them respectively.
I just made a druid for the first time today, this is very convenient
is arcane getting one of these?
Just the breakdown I was looking for. thx
Agreed that the talents are underwhelming, but at least they come together to make a coherent kit, unlike BFA where we relied on Azerite and Essences to even make our spec functional. Also, slight correction, but dots do not give AP when they tick. They only give AP when you apply them initially. Shooting stars gives you AP from dots ticking when it procs. I think you know this, but the way you worded it could mislead somebody.
Great vids!
When I´m thinking about my balance druid rotation, i´m going to have a serious headache :-/ Playing since Vanilla almost all classes (priest, monk and war are the only I don´t have on 50 atm), but druid only as feral. If I remember corectly, last time I played balance was in Cata. I ´m trying, but this balance eclipse system is just beyond my understanding. And honestly, after this video I wanna leave my druid alone. And atm it´s my best equipped char. But my results are terrible. Even with my outlaw rogue 30ilvl lower I´m doing better, even after switching to Subtlety I´ve never played. I need to fing a good written guide I can focus on, like Icy-veins and read and read and read. …and than fucked it up again ingame :-/ Balance for me is soooo unintuitive system.
This is a very helpful guide cheers dude
What about ele??
Let's say your group is about to pull a large AOE pack, but you just went through your lunar eclipse on the previous pack. You're now forced to spend the next 15 seconds in solar eclipse. Do you cleave with starfire anyways, or cast wraths to try to make up for it with a bit more damage/astral power?
Nice guide dude! Awesome job, keep i
Up with the good work
Excellent video! I have been playing guardian for a while now and decided to learn this spec, but couldn’t find a good explanation of the synergies and changes in SL. This guide covered all that perfectly.
I have a few questions about the additional spells. In M+ or any pack encounters do you start the fight by casting sunfire and then tabbing or mouse over to apply moonfire to all mobs? Also, when and how many mobs would you use Starfall instead of starsurge to spend astral power?
this rotation is so fucking unfun I went to play Hunter instead….
But how do we open up on a trash pack in m+?
noob question: how do you get your character to look like that ? is it some sort of glyph for moonkin
whats your take on when to use starfall?… with considerations being. number of target, its buffed by both eclipses, Astral Power pooling pre eclipse and Astral Power Building near the end eclipse. also Celestial Drift…. high movement fights
Hey! Is there anyway you can send me a link to your WA? Also, what cast bar is that?
The biggest change, is that it STILL is superior to elemental shaman in every way.
What changed in Shadowlands? They reworked it for no reason to be a complete piece of shit nostalgia grab with that garbage eclipse, that's what happened.
I feel like you said wrath for solar eclipse and star fire for lunar many times and I couldnt follow when which was which
why u playing this game if u reatch max level? and for example you're already payd for subscription for month when reach from 1 to 60lvl is about 24h of playing
Literally the worst designed spec in the game right now imho.
One of the warrior specs now that they just got buffed.
Are you sure you don't want to reapply dots during eclipse? I think they get buffed like starfall
Very well explained, I was having trouble understanding how to manage astral power, thanks!
Sick guide, well done, thanks!
what WeakAura is he using?
Hey Izen, may you share your WA?
Really great content. Thanks!
Nice video! ty my friend!
anyone knows what addons hes using? the one showing the damage from all skills?
This was very insightful. Thank you!
I raided bfa as a balance druid and i just cant get my head around the new rotation
Link to weak auras??
leveling with balance druid. I fried my brain from all the bad shit this class has in his toolkit. 1st the noise of spells hitting the target is ridicules. It sounds like radio noise. Its only class in the game that i still didn't leveled, and its the only class in the game that can't kill minions fast. Like cast, dot, cast, cast, cast, cast, cast, dot, dead. Damage is nonexistent. That aoe is so bad that i sometimes (when minion has decent health) pull one by one rather than to pull aoe cause minions just aint dying.
From what i've seen here you have same shitty damage in the end game ( specially when your ONE big CD is on CD) that compiles into one big mush of inconsistency and only thing that makes your dps meter high is huge mob pulls where your aoe damage is basically warriors rend tick, making you completely useless for decisive cleaving. For example lets say you focus target and other 4 minions are grouped for cleave. By the time you kill focused target , other targets are still on 70% of hp. I really wanted to see dps druids in mythics this expansion , but it seems to me that you'll have to create your own groups to do pve content again 🙂 Case no way in heal i would invite boomkin over any other spell caster class in the game.
And this locking down between nature and lunar or whatever its called… Why ? Why locking 15 seconds of single target ? I would understand that mechanic if boomkins single target was actually burst related and good, but its not. Its average or slightly below average. So hitting aoe packs locked on single target spam is really depressing. I dont even want to mention feral. So this class is basically a meme across the board. I don't know how resto stands, but feral, blance and tank is bottom tier. No body will invite any of those specks if they have any other option available. BFA will repeat it self again. They need to pump those numbers higher, specially single target.
What an amazing explanation. Kudos.
What about convenants?
Warning sign nr1. Using Night fae covenant
Warning 2: standing in melee channeling convoke the spirits.