Shadowlands: Beta Class Changes! Frost Mage and Ret big nerfs, Warrior buffs & more!

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Yet another round of class changes in the most recent balance patch for the Shadowlands Beta!


33 thoughts on “Shadowlands: Beta Class Changes! Frost Mage and Ret big nerfs, Warrior buffs & more!”

  1. so i want to have 1 alt as ranged dps, and i am deciding between frost mage and bm hunter, ele shaman i played too much in bfa, warlock is boring, and shadowpriest feels weird to me.
    If i want to do BGs and m+ which one of those two would be more fun and better in damage?

  2. Izen please keep doing what you are doing! You're content is amazing and you can tell the amount of thought you put into each video while still making it fun.

    Here's to continued content through SL. Cheers!

  3. So just a tip about the virtuos command comment that you did
    We still dont know if holding judgement to play around the buff is gonna be the way to since judgement still an integral part of your rotation that you wanna use on cd
    The sims are not out yet

  4. Jagged wounds shouldn't have been removed for feral with an increased enthesis on reapplying bleeds with the nerf to sabertooth it would have been nice to focus even more on bleeds and cut down some of the ramp up they have. I will still keeep it as an alt.

  5. I wonder if Blizzard realises we dont want all those garbage borrowed powers, and that we just want the class to be fun, i don't understand why every fcking change, goes towards the 0.1 % of the community, rather than the 99.9 % who just wants to enjoy the game and the class/spec they play. Blizzard seems to think the people who yell the loudest are the one you should harken to.
    No one gives two hoots about what the 0.1 % thinks about the state of the game. we are MILLIONS of people who play WoW, and there are only a couple hundred up to 50.000 people who watches the 0.1 % community play/stream/youtube etc. They have 0 power.

    Make the class specs fun to play, and get the balance right afterwards. No one gives a flying fuck about whether some random ass guild takes 20 rogues into a raid, because something is overpowered, it doesn't matter.


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