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Read more about Shadowlands ➜
No change on prot warrior ?
Prot paladin armor nerf is actually a ~2% baseline physical DR loss, and a ~4% reduction while buffed by SotR, so, nothing changed in terms of squishiness.
Cool video never saw one of your videos i will give you a shot for my Shadowlands info sir
Imagine caring about PvP in WOW lol
I love to see the Feral Buffs 🙂 keep up the good Job !
oh thank god. i can go back to classic without any worry =D
Fix enhancement already
Rip shamen
Rip my frost mage.
Now I dunno what to play my 2 shadowlands plannend . got nerfed.
Great breakdown! got a new sub from a friendly classic player!
The resto shaman damage nerf at low level is probably more about the fact that resto was doing more damage than other specs and so was the best spec for leveling.
Arcane explosion is used in pvp, but nevermind
I thought there was an Enh buff, no?
So is frost mage still going to be a strong choice for m+?
Bring back real treants or don’t play retail
love the happy sad face breakdown lol, cheers.
Frost mage was perfectly balanced barely an inconvenience
Where tf is enha shammy love, revert to WotLK and add MoP burst Bam oerfect enha shammy
Overall good changes in my opinion. But lvl 50 is so broken i can't wait to be lvl 60. Shadow priests and MM hunters are crazy with their dmg. I always see MM hunter top the meters in pvp. They 2 shot a lot of classes. Me as a DH…well not much fun tbh. We lost a lot of stuff. Our deffs got weaker, we have no good selfheal anymore and the dmg is lacking. But i will always play the class. Why? Because it was op? Or easy? No because ilike the class fantasy. Enh shaman could still get some love. Same for frost dk. But let's hope lvl 60 will be more balanced than lvl 50
Is MM or BM hunters better prepatch so far?
No damage buff to assass…the class is so damn weak
Don't understand why people get so tilted on class changes so much. Just play what you want, regardless of who gets buffed/nerfed.
“Feral going to be a beast” lol my laugh of 2020..we just got a 5% buff a month or so ago 😭😭
Feralllllllll ❤️❤️❤️🐯🐯🐯🐯
That summary 👌👌
happy face sum-up was perfect
Why the fuck would you nerf ret nerv like that??? Guess unplayable again like in every other exp. Rip
The retrit it would be necessary to strengthen it!!!
Lol at Windwalker. They can't figure out how to make it competitive in PVE so they keep giving it damage buffs, even tho in PVP it's op as shit
They are killing mages And hunters fun.
Big changes? Most of them are just % damage tuning, it's least they can do
0:22 sec – there " is " still some changes ??? there " ARE " still some changes – plural and singular –
Still waiting for blizzard to revert Frost DK nerfs. I am not gonna let that sh** slide for third expansion in a row.
Happy about warrior buffs but we need prot buffs bad right now.
Wtf DH still dead are they lost theyr minds ?
cries in 5 max level beast masters
Druid toolkit has too much baseline compared to other classes. Immune to poly, immune to disarm, shift out of snares, can shift into animal forms when kicked, what other class even can do that much passively?
are the changes live right now?