Shadowlands Conquest Guide for pvp – conquest caps, vault, gear upgrades

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Saw a lot of questions on twitter for the conquest cap and gear upgrades, so decided to make a quick video explaining some these things for everyone. 🙂 If there’s anything I missed, please let me know!

more information can be found at

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16 thoughts on “Shadowlands Conquest Guide for pvp – conquest caps, vault, gear upgrades”

  1. Great video but I have a couple of questions.

    1: rating is everything this expansion then? Even if I have 5 million conquest pt and a trillion honor Pt, if my waiting is 1400 (for the sake of the argument) and I place an item on the npc that’s ilvl 207, to upgrade to next rank which takes it to 213 I need to be rating 1600+ challenger. Without that rating then no matter how many honor or conquest I may have… I won’t be able to upgrade it then.

    I know 1400 is low but most ppl will stay at 1600-1800, if no higher rating then no higher upgrades then?

  2. I reached the combatant achievement (1400) two weeks ago, and felt below again around 1300 (lfg random games). Now I cannot upgrade my gear to 207 (combatant) anymore, I guess you have to play at least some games or gain some conquest points every week in this bracket, right? Or does anybody know how it really works? What if I come back in 3s back to 1400 , don’t touch 3s anymore, and only play 2s for conquest points while don’t care about the 2s rating?

  3. has anyone done the numbers on how much honor is needed to upgrade 200ilvl to each bracket on each piece.I was wondering if there is decay on ranked RBG is how much and how quickly does it drop for example hit 1800 how long does it stay there I stop playing RBG

  4. Getting your item level up as soon as you hit 200 its just takes too much time. Ive been back playing wow for a month and a half and its dead to me. Takes foreverrrrrrr to get conquest , getting into premades and everything else ,, thats it for me , no interest in waiting to be accepted all day. They really messed this game up bad, this game is for people that dont stop playing lol about it.


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