Shadowlands Delayed. Now What?

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Huge relief to anyone whos been paying attention to the game that this is happening. Wanted to make a video and talk about what this means going forward


41 thoughts on “Shadowlands Delayed. Now What?”

  1. I actually requested the week after launch just cause I expected the game to be unplayable week 1, but now I get a week full of my wife asking me to hang and paint things, thanks a lot Blizzard! All jokes aside, this was the best decision, and my wife is actually super amazing and plays games with me (but I will likely end up hanging and painting 🤣)

  2. i started playing the beta a few days ago…good lord. i'm so glad that they delayed it, i think that they need a lot more time. im not sure if this was due to covid and the progress being set back because of it, but i got bfa beta a few months before it released and even then when i played through it the stability was far more along than shadowlands is right now. hopefully they can squash all these bugs and straighten the kinks in time!

  3. While I think it was a necessary and wise move to stifle the release, it would probably be more ideal for them to do things right the first time and avoid setbacks like this, of course this is Blizzard we are talking about so the chances of that happening are slim to none.

  4. Well… Blizz has already lost a lot of faith with their playerbase. Too many fiascos. Most of the core team has split/retired. Activision has finished assimilating them into the big corp. Announcement of a mobile game instead of announcing a new PC game with Diablo. The shitshow with BfA. Then the mixed message with the banning of the Hearthstone player, how they handled the prize pool, trying to get use to help fund it through buying shit in the store.

    And now with Shadowlands its do or die time. This will either make or break them. With the whole covenant thing though it already seems broken. Why divide the player base like this? The story seems super low tier and boring. They just stripped the classes back to what they used to be then are going to re-pad them with all the horse shit SL is going to tack on. Then if you want loot? Your going to have to grind twice as hard as you did in BfA?

    I love WoW. But I've already lost faith that the company can continue the game without those who kept it afloat all of these years. I really hope I'm wrong. I'm just not seeing it with what they've create with Shadowlands. Its a Shadow of its former self.

  5. I know I'm 10 years late to respond to this. As an average player, I'm pretty stoked they delayed it. I rather wait longer for a game and know it is good and well developed instead of playing a game that is unfinished.

  6. I wish Zack streamed more and I saw less of Asmongold. I’d devour all his videos/stream if he was Zac, himself. Asmongold obviously earns him cash but these videos show how intelligent and interesting he is,

  7. When cata released they changed pvp brackets from 70 being its own bracket to 70-74 being a bracket and added a 1 hand with archaeology that was lvl 72 req that did more dmg than any 1 hand until ulduar it ruined all arenas all bgs there were multiple cheese builds for lvl 71-74 it ruined 1000s of peoples experience they took away raids at 60 but people still had naxx gear they ruined my experience with the game as well as they kept scaling dmg up but health never increased so you could nearly 1 shot people as a 70 rogue i loved the game since i was a young teen but they killed the thing i enjoyed i hope they make the game better for the people who still play but for me they burned everything i loved years ago

  8. wow ! is this asmongold? i have to say you are looking good and this is to be taken as a compliment because you have very nice energies in this video, I love to see you take care of yourself my friend

  9. The mighty warrior that killed every single boss in the game, scared off by a tiny wasp. I could understand if it was Deathwing flying by, but a wasp? Pls… Bald'Thuzad.

  10. Transient player here… used to be fulltime hardcore mythic raider and have played since a couple weeks after launch. I became "transient" as you would call it because of blizzard. They have been making nothing but trash products for years. Its not that im any less a gamer than I used to be, Blizzard just stopped making a game I want to play. I have plenty of other games which are fun, things that make me want to do the content. I refuse to sit there and continue to play WoW simply because I have a fear of loss for walking away from all my previous time spent. Content feels punitive now. For flying i have to do pathfinder? Why? I know how to fly everywhere else in the game, and Ill never be back on that shit troll island ever again… whats the point? im not going to do shitty content just to unlock flying, instead the content should be worth doing on its own merit and not just because there is a punishment if you dont do it. Things like that are what I said no thanks blizz, youre not the only game out there.


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