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Time for a Shadowlands dps tier list video all based on the latest logs from the week that just passed. Now we know every time we make a video like this, folks get heated up, especially when it comes to a shadowlands dps tier list but all we do is place these specs, based exclusively on their performance on logs and have a quick discussion on what works and what doesn’t work for each of them. So if you like these wow tier list shadowlands formats be sure to stick to Marcelian Online and tune in every Friday for an update of the meta 🙂
00:00 Intro
02:54 Assassination Rogue
05:03 Frost Mage
06:48 Destro Warlock
08:00 Fury Warrior
09:33 Arcane Mage
10:59 Havoc DH
12:47 Arms Warrior
14:38 Demonology Warlock
17:02 Subtlety Rogue
19:01 Frost Death Knight
20:47 BM Hunter
22:24 Fire Mage
24:12 Enhancement Shaman
26:00 Elemental Shaman
27:21 Affliction Warlock
29:00 Windwalker Monk
30:40 Ret Paladin
32:27 Outlaw Rogue
34:28 Shadow Priest
36:09 Survival Hunter
37:40 Feral Druid
39:15 MM Hunter
40:40 Balance Druid
42:26 Unholy DK
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MON▶️ MO Cast (Chill Discussions with WoW Personalities)
WED▶️ Shadowlands Class Guide
FRI ▶️ Friday WoW Tier List (Shadowlands Tier Lists based on the latest logs)
SUN ▶️ Shadowlands Class Guide (Or a general WoW Guide)
Lol Havoc is a A tier DPS??? You guys must be joke, i just stop watching after i saw havoc is A tier 😂😂
How do you see the DPS charts ? I suppose those are warcraft Logs but all I get are scores for parses, and when switching to Damage, it's only Guild focus, not class sorted
Survival Hunter or bust! (I had to fill the role of Disc this raid tier but I’m 100% gonna push for Survival next tier)
Affliction is really weird at this point. Single target is amazing, but AoE or Cleave is subpar. AoE and Cleave are pretty good if the targets are really meaty, but outside of that burst specs will dominate it if played well.
The need to constantly refresh Shadow's Embrace and all the dot upkeep really hold it back from really excelling at more than just focused single target unfortunately. Plus, the fact that it benefits so much from Power Infusion to speed up the ramp up sorta skew the results you keep seeing with it.
Next TLF is for mythics plus dps ? Or other roles?
Where are my MM hunters at?
Unholy is still very much S tier. The data about it falling is just misuderstanding logs.
I don't get affliction as an affliction player. I feel like I never get shard generation so my dps lacks. I personally don't get how affliction is always so high.
loook at my sub rogue Fml it feels shit XD xD
Affliction is king 🤘
Enhance damage is all toped in First phase… which is a POINTLESS dps check. because most groups have to slow down. Sire damage on phase 3 should be looked at.
you motivated me to play my boomkin more and play cyberpunk less 😀
All the classes I play have dropped towards the bottom 🙁
Great content fellers, any idea what the WA is at 41:45
These fights are a huge pain in the ass as dps melee. I just made a boomkin lol
love these videos! keep them up
Honestly, Demo's current success is a bit of a lie. Some people realized you can abuse Tyrant health scaling and so there is some shanigans going on with raids using stamina/health boosters to boost their demo's single target significantly. Considering Demo's strength is already just pure single target, is why its destroying sludgefist on logs. I mean, its to the point people are using tank/pvp trinkets to boost their health and having their raid pop health booster buffs on them. There is honestly no way Blizzard doesn't gut this, they love shitting on Demo and there is no way they will allow this behavior to exist for long since its kinda considered degenerate gameplay.
Thank you! 🙂
Place 15 and 16 are A tier? And they have no better preforming dps spec? Demonhunters and Paladin DPS are so happy now all their problems are gone and they are A tier dps now, and all this with no buffs. YEY
To be in the same tier with lets say Unholy is insane . Unholy is 5th on the list, Havoc is 16th but they are on the same tier? Havoc and Ret cant re-spec as others can into a better preforming dps spec because its their only dps spec. That makes them Bottom of the barrel in PVE and a clear C TIER. Other specs below Havoc and Ret are D TIER as most people will play the higher preforming spec of their class. And for M+ its even worse for RET
Destro lock finally feels good, fucking finally lol
I def get a lot of shit from my friends for being a Survival hunter, but they honestly know I can pull some good dmg. I don't mind seeing Survival hunters on the bottom tho, just makes it seem more likely that they will get buffed soon. That 5% dmg buff did good, wouldn't mind another 5% 😛
Very happy to see UH doing good, its like the only meta spec that is actually fun to play, i just wish they keep UH ontop of the charts so i'm not forced to play a 3 button miracle called fire mage
Elemental and enhance in the same tier? Along with destruction? Frost dk?? Havoc DH??? Fury warrior???? In which world are shadow priest and marksmanship in the same tier as those specs??
I like how unlike other classes, shaman specs are together =)
Demo scales with HP, not even joking.
1 of 3 channels where bell is activatet👌
Theses Logs are broken anyway – Frost Mages are way better then the logs show. Literally every Fire Mage in Top100 Logs gets 2-3 Power Infusion per fight
Vă mulțumesc mult pentru munca depusă băieți mereu mă uit la voi sunteți foarte buni in ceea ce faceți și foarte dedicați mult noroc in continuare …. păcat că nu v-am întâlnit până acum și eu stau in tractoru 😁
bufs for ele shaman ? Huge nerf – lava burst 10% and then mastery and Windspeaker's Lava Resurgence will lose power to..
Is there a certain ilvl these numbers are coming from?
Assass rogue still the most rewarding rogue spec when you get 6 envenoms before having to refresh a bleed
Please do pvp tier list.
As someone who started off MM and switched to BM, i don’t think the logs do BM any justice. Perhaps it’s a Ilvl thing or maybe the player itself isn’t performing optimally. I will add, that I’m somewhat a casual player, that hasn’t done any raiding yet (not even on normal), but I do run keys ALOT. and I’m usually on top of the meters about 85% of the time on trash pulls, and on top about 95% of the time on bosses. Even when a MM hunter is in this group that is around the same ilvl as me, I still outperform them. I guess it could be a situational thing, cus I won’t ignore the fact that raid bosses last 3x longer than key bosses, and the damage drop off is there when the fight is prolonged. However I definitely pull more that my share of weight in keys. And with the beastial wrath buff incoming, whooo boy I can’t wait.
Just wanted to make a comment on the demonology part. Flame said that wilfred scales with haste, but this is actually extremely minor. Even at very high simmed haste levels the difference was very minor. It's a good legendary, but it doesn't have a lot of potential to get better, compared to the other options.
cool video. thank you. btw after all these years I stills don't know what class to play
Really cool videos ! No one seems to have seen it yet but in the description you talk about a tank tier list in Castle Nathria 😛 not a dps tier list
Is it really padding, if the adds need to die anyway?
Demo locks are stacking PI and HP pvp trinkets. And they are pulling some crazy numbers. 🙂
On the fire mage part what is the addon called they way your own healthbar and enemy healthbar looks like?
Nice! Now Assassination just need to do better on the 9 other bosses 😂
Why Blizzard nerf aflic?? Wtf
Who doesn’t love a hug from the hugnering destroyer ^^ <3
My favorite assholes <3
A quality video as usual. Great job!
Arms is stronger than fury.
you both have an awesome personality and good synergy it makes the video really entertaining
Please remove the flashy thing at transition between footages 🙁 its hurting eyes so much. Love the content anyways
demo is not A tier 😂
Don't worry, havoc will be back 😈
Rogues got nerfed so hard in both pve and pvp. Its a shame really.