Shadowlands Enhancement Shaman is the most INFURIATING CLASS in-game (read description)

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Enhancement Shaman in Prepatch is alot of fun but alot of headaches. In this video i mention that this class is garbage but I dont have neither neck essences or azerite gear which makes 100% difference. So I do misquote alot in this video.

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35 thoughts on “Shadowlands Enhancement Shaman is the most INFURIATING CLASS in-game (read description)”

  1. All classes are shit without bfa borrowed power. If it was disabled just like 8.3 stuff then people would have had a better idea of how classes actually are. But people look at ele sham for example and are like "ooooooh it nukes!"….no sweety, its just that lava burst does level 60 damage at level 50 due to triple stacking azerite stuff so chill 🙂

  2. I don't agree with this at all. Its really not bad, actually its better than bfa one and its more fun and stronger now in pre-patch.. You have literally nothing that enhancement shaman should have except two one hand weapons and you except to win arenas and fights.. no bro that's not going to happen.. Anyway its still a "pre-patch" using previous expansion features/abilities and a lot of unbalancing – we will see enha's true colors once shadowlands comes out.

  3. I actually really like your videos but saying enhance doesnt have dmg is wrong. At least in prepatch I can os any class just by using blood of the ennemy fracture acsendance and ghen just one stromstrike… so yeah it deals heavy dmg héhé

  4. If you’re not running crucible minor you won’t do any damage, also if you have too much of one stat it’s bad for you too so using high ilvl with diverse stats is better for most classes, since the drop off becomes much higher with too much of a stat, ex: corruption masterful 3 before would bring me to 350-400% mastery and base was around 130, after corruption my base was 70% mastery with like 18 haste 23 crit, and my damage was kinda bad, after around 40% I think is when you start to get negative impact from too much of one stat, try swapping out some gear too!

  5. Claak, There is currently a BIG BUG with Enhance in arenas, that most people are not realizing, because it is subtle.

    I confirmed this yesterday, and u can find evidences in your own video in about 3:48.

    You see, when u enter in an arena, u normally only reapply what was reset, like your lightning/earth shield right?
    Because your weapon imbues are stil up there with their timers tracked in ur buff bar, right? Well in truth they too need to be reapplied.
    When u said in 3:48 that "windfury dmg is nonexistent", that was literally the case. Precisely because the game is behaving like it was not applied. And the same goes for flametongue, it is a 100% proc, but u also don't see flametongue damage at all in your damage metter.
    And as much as those 2 abilities seem like little contribution to your dmg, i must note that each does about 4-5% of ur total dmg, and in the case of windfury it also helps massively with Maelstrom Weapon stacks generation AND with Stormbringer procs.

    So besides gear/azerite traits, i'm pretty sure thats was also one of the reasons your dmg was doing poorly.

  6. If it makes you feel any better with mythic level azerite with all stormstrike traits and 30% vers I can sometimes hit for 3.5k stormstrikes if they all crit. Then you get hit for 5k by every other class in the game and wonder wtf you're doing with your life

  7. 123 is kind low for an ilvl – for some reason Enhance feels extremely weak below 130ish right now and then disproportionately becomes extremely strong at peak iLevel. Like beyond any other spec. It goes from crap to a nuclear bomb.

  8. enhance single target is SUPER SUPER bad and the build for single target damage is completly not viable in pvp what so ever. probbaly another bad expac for shaman pvp

  9. Enhance sucks in the burst, sustain, mobility, and utility departments so at least we got style right? My heal feels so weak on Enhance and I only get like 4 of them where on ele two top me off


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