SHADOWLANDS EXPANSION?? Teaser theories & timelines!

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Blizzard put out a video teasing the next expansion, and it sure looks like we’re headed to Revendreth in the Shadowlands! In this video I break down possible locations, characters, mechanics, and dates for the upcoming expansion.

News | Hearthstone | SHADOWLANDS EXPANSION?? Teaser theories & timelines!


49 thoughts on “SHADOWLANDS EXPANSION?? Teaser theories & timelines!”

  1. Oooh!!! This will be an amazing opportunity to have a "bank" feature where you can bank not only anima, but excess mana too! If you ever need any of it, you can break the bank and it can go over 10 (or 20 if you're guff) and you can bank up to 30 of each.. omg I'm even more excited now

  2. I recently got into MTG with the werewolf and vampire expansions back in October/November. Ever since then I keep thinking about the Witchwood and the werewolf cards we got in Hearthstone. Pretty excited for another gothic style set.

  3. So, overall, I think they will play in to the Aristocrat nature of the Ravendreth. I feel like we might get a mechanic like "Invite", where you summon a minion from your deck to hit a minion, and if it survives, the card bounces to your hand. Similar to a recruit into attack, and if it survives it goes to your hand.

  4. I feel like this might be a special event instead of a new expansion. They teased that there would be some arena content in the past week, so hopefully this is what they teased.

  5. My theory (and this will either be a sweet mechanic or one that will get busted very quickly) is "this card costs health instead of mana" type of effect. It's usually been used for Warlocks, however, I've seen a pattern of cards with interesting designs that are printed earlier almost "test" a mechanic before its grand release (think Extra Arms, Y'Shaarj, Tracking, Queen of Pain, etc), and I think that, if such a substance of "anima" or whatever is so prevalent, a health/mana thing seems likely. Hence, I believe the mechanic will be you can either play a card as normal, or spend some health to get an additional upside (maybe cost discount, stat buff, additional battlecry). That, or like they put Avenge in mainline Hearthstone and not just battlegrounds. Either or.

  6. Disregarding shadowlands bad layout in wow, but with the creative freedom hearthstone has, I'm glad they gave an entire expansion to one map instead of cramming all of them together. Maybe the maldraxxus expansion would be the gateway to a death knight or necromancer class.

  7. What i do want?i Want to play duels using the vandar third ability but I can't, because the game has a bug for more than thirty days that prevents me from finishing the quest.

  8. maybe each class gets aligned with a different covenant and they get their class covenant ability like in wow. Not sure how it would work especially with current hero cards still in the game

  9. how fun would it be if they introduced a graveyard mechanic, called it the shadowlands and give us cards to pull the dead back from the shadowlands… if there isn't there you could get a random wow lore character instead? and like I have said elsewhere hearthstone is my last bastion to enjoy the lore of WoW so looking forward to them hearthstoning the Sire

  10. Assuming they don't go the simple route of making Revendreth the main expansion and Castle Nathria the mini-set: the whole mysterious death of Denathrius in his giant castle could be hinting at a mystery theme and specifically a Clue homage/spoof.

  11. I'm all in for a Murder Mystery in a Castle theme. I think they can go outside the castle a bit for legendary characters if they do something like Clue. Denathrius invites the leaders/reps of different zones to his castle for an announcement then oops he's dead. Fun little who done it while pulling in the best characters from around the expansion. A lot of famous characters make an appearance in the Shadowlands. Be fun to try to figure out who did it (his sword is the #1 suspect).

  12. I really like the idea of adding anima as an additional resource on top of mana. Could even be something as simple as the spell mana mechanic from LoR, or maybe something related to spending life instead of mana.

  13. Garrosh wasn't in Revendreth, he was in Torghast, or at least was moved there. We might get Kael'thas though. Personally I was a big fan of Sludgefist, so I hope he appears

  14. We were hearing about new card types and I feel this is the moment that new card type is revealed. Rather than zones being a theme to classes, perhaps zones are the new card type itself. I do agree with Regis pointing out that the zones may be linked towards certain classes. Since we finally got 10 classes, we can give a zone to 2 classes each.

    What would zones do? Not really sure. But given we've been playing Duels for at least a year now, we've given Blizzard the data for how start of game passives affect PvP. One thing I can confirm? I would love seeing the middle of the board actually change terrain for once.


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