Shadowlands Frost DK Talent Guide (9.0 PvE)

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Frost Death Knight Talent Guide for Shadowlands. Everything you need to know about all our talents and when to pick them, including how your weapon choice affect things!


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00:00 Introduction
00:41 Lvl 15 row
02:32 Lvl 25 row
04:13 Lvl 30 row
05:22 Lvl 35 row
08:16 Lvl 40 row
08:59 Lvl 45 row
11:07 Lvl 50 row
13:03 Talent builds
15:16 Outro


50 thoughts on “Shadowlands Frost DK Talent Guide (9.0 PvE)”

  1. Thanks Biceps🙏. Is there any update on 2 hand obliteration build legendaries for mythic+ and raiding ? If I’m casual and have one legendary to carry me through raiding + mythic+ + torghast, would it be koltiras favour , biting cold, or rage of the frozen? For unholy the clear winner was frenzied monstrosity for example which was great for PvP as well.

    Also r we supposed to use the razor ice enchant for 2hand?

  2. Hey Bicep love your vids man helped my unholy dk dps SO MUCH. Went from 6 or 6 on chart to 1 or 2 ez. Unholy blight casting first made such a difference. My question is is frost even viable for mythic raid compared to unholy?

  3. I hope Frost gets some love from Blizzard soon. I feel like we are slightly viable, but if you are playing Frost, you need to be on top of your game, you can not make the same mistakes other specs make.

  4. Thanks for this great video, Biceps! Really appreciate your work!
    Just a few questions:
    1) Killing Machine is also related to Frost Scythe, isn´t it? So why Avalanche is still competitive with Frost Scythe for M+ as DW Oblit? Is it related to the Frost Scythe limitation of 5 targets?
    2) If you could put in terms of percentage, what would be the difference between DW Oblit and DW BoS for both ST and AOE scenarius?

  5. I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!! thanks for pleasing both unholy and frost players 😀 <3 you explain things really well! i have a little question, i picked the legendary Koltira's Favor first so i tend to not take frostscythe in m+ and just obliterate and do my normal rotation, is that ideal? Or should i still take frostscythe and aoe as much as i can and not obliterate at all on more than 3 targets even with that legendary. thanks

  6. As always: good video 🙂
    One addition: Permafrost's absorb shield stacks up to 20% of your maximum life and lasts for – I think – 9 seconds. Imo you missed to mention that information which is worth to know.
    If you manage to avoid dmg for a few seconds, it can help you from getting 1shotted by mechanics. If you pick up Fleeting Wind in your finesse conduit slot, it might be justifiable to not pick Wraith Walk and stick with Permafrost.

  7. Awesome video! wish you could make a dps comparison test video between the best DW, 2H, obliteration and BOS builds just to see what comes out on top for Frost DKs showing the rotation as well. I usually like to make a build I can use for both mythic plus and Raids As for the covenant, Necrolord for me. 👌🏻

  8. Great video! As far as talent builds go if we are using dual wield and have the remorseless winter legendary that guarantees rime with 3 enemies hit would you say we always should take avalanche or it still may be worth to take frost scythe? Thanks alot!

  9. What’s the best covenant for frost, I’m currently playing unholy with necrolords, but I’m tempted to start playing frost, could I still use necrolords for frost dk?

  10. woohoo, was waiting for this, big thanks however I got some questions 🙂 Because it seems a bit more complicated when mixed with legos and M+ (raid + ST + koltira seems pretty straight forward) as I understand it is better to run Rage of the Frozen Champion for M+ so in this case picking up frostscythe looks kinda counterproductive however I am not so sure now when you mentioned spreading of razorice with it which rime does not do a far as I know.
    another question is a bit specific..In M+ I am running RotFC, bos and free rimes from slappy hands as necro and emeni soulbind. My question is…what is my opening?
    because I feel like I use too many GCDs before even starting the breath with all the free rimes and dont want to waste the 8 free RP.
    If you find the time..thank you very much 🙂

  11. Hey Biceps, thanks again for this guide. Can you tell me why you don't put Razorice on a 2H weapon ?
    I mean, I get your point about DualW and spreading the vulnerability but why can't we put Razorice on a 2H weapon and spread the vulnerability with Frostscythe ?
    Rune of FC is really better ?
    Thank you for the answer ☺

  12. @Bicepspump I have a few questions for you. 1 is there any way to see the overall difference in dps sims between 2h oblit and dw oblit? 2 does obilteration have a different stat priority than breath? 3. would it be worth running frostscyth with a 2h if you instead used razorice? 4, Ive personally found that fscyth seems to run anti-synergy with breath because of the lack of runic gain compared to obliterates. <3 the videos man, keep it up.

  13. I see very few people talk about this, but I've been wondering about frost (and unoholy but unholy is simpler) scaling. Do you think the preferred talents would change down the line just due to scaling factors? And would DW and 2H scale differently?
    Great video btw!

  14. Hello Bicepspump , great video as always. I have a question about Venthyr covenant and Nadja soulbind – is there any option currenty to sim "Exacting Preparation" node? Whenever i try to sim that node against "Dauntless Duelist" the result is 25 dps vs 155 dps, Raidbots version of Exacting Preparation doesnt include "runeforges" therefore i assume it doesnt sim 20% increase effects of Runeforges at all. Would be nice to know which option is better since we will be able to pick one in 2-3 weeks, hopefully raidbots will update it by that time but maybe you have some other idea how to check which one is better.

  15. Very good video, yes, I still hope that Blizzard gives him Avanced Glacier as a base ability, so he could increase his dps if he had to do something else broken and add a little difficulty so that later he can take advantage of it, or that the pillar of BfA as a minimum.

  16. Feels a bit strange that Unholy get the AoE runic spender baseline for Shadowlands, but Glacial Advance remained a talent for Frost. Frost is just in a weird state at the moment and it feels like Blizzard had no idea where to go with the spec. They gave it 2H back and removed some stuff from the GCD, which was nice but that's it.

  17. Hey bicepspump! a quick question! i'm trying to fiddle around with a 2h obliterate mastery / crit build for as big obliterates as possible!

    if i'm just wanting raw amounts of killing machine procs, how well does icy talons increase the proc rate from AA crits?
    since the 2h has less attemps required for the killing machine procs, on a ppm rate how much would a 100% uptime icy talons at 3 stacks increase my chances to proc?
    my math sucks so i could not find any formulas for it, i trust the god of DKs could help me here!

  18. Good ideas but you left out critical information such as secondary stats to gem/enchant which enable KM procs which is the heart of frosts damage… you also only mentioned a single conduit and since most folks can now have double potency conduits there are different combinations that now enable new talent builds. You also didn’t mention legendaries which also are a major factor in talent builds.

  19. Thank you so much @Bicepspump! I'll be using this as my reference book 🙂 Also, I don't suppose you'd consider doing a guide on Torghast builds and what extras we should be looking at for Frost DK? I for one would really appreciate it.

  20. Remorseless winter is weak. But,
    Gathering storm talent, +100% damage.
    Everfrost conduit, +42~% damage .
    Biting cold legendary, +30% damage.
    Of course that is if you hit the same target 10 times, while spending 10 runes. But damn, it's strong. That 100% talent damage is too op.

  21. With the upcoming frost buff, will it be a viable contender for mythic plus ? i like my UH DK, but since UH is the go-to since BFA, i really wanna pump those proccs like the good ol legion Frost DK times. will UH still be ahead in hight keys (15+) ? really appreciate your Content

  22. I think icecap would be good if it wasn't on the same row as obliterate and breath. great talent, it's just that the other two are so much better that it gets outshone every time.

    Also, do you think you could go over the Covenant choices for frost dk?


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