Shadowlands Fury Warrior PvP Montage | The Collapse

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A World of Warcraft Shadowlands PvP Montage conjured by Freakuency the Fury Warrior.
Let us lie on our sides and wonder when will it all collapse.

I do not own the music used in this video.

Song: Collapse by Zeds Dead


46 thoughts on “Shadowlands Fury Warrior PvP Montage | The Collapse”

  1. Hey do you play fury for arena? I play 2v2 with a resto druid. I know arms is the "best" but I find it really boring and much prefer fury.. wondering what the rating cap is if I was to main fury im currently only at 1940 as arms so I'm thinking in my Cr bracket specs don't matter much right?

  2. insane vid 😀 i am levling a fury twink atm alliance btw for the alliance! 🙂 ur vid is pure tasty fury 😀 i think u use 2h weapons and not dw fury right? 🙂 Greetings! 🙂

  3. Not even a casual, don't even play the game yet a huge fan and here I was just wondering whether the damage dealt numbers that appears with every slap really matters…


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