[Shadowlands Gold Guide] Semi-Afk, 1-2 Button Farms to do While Chilling to YouTube or Netflix!

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Here are some viable methods for making Gold in Shadowlands, which literally involve merely pressing 1-2 keys (without even having to move!) repeatedly, freeing you up to watch something else, such as YouTube videos, in windowed mode or on another monitor!

Here’s the Wowhead article with the two-button Fishing method (original credit to Mithmarr on Reddit): https://www.wowhead.com/news=319872/wowhead-economy-weekly-wrap-up-155-gold-making-for-raid-release-m-plus-and-pvp-s

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Check out my other WoW videos:

Shadowlands Gold Guide: Exactly What I’m Doing to Make Hundreds of Thousands of Gold (As a Casual): https://youtu.be/qPRvVSZPmzw

Best Shadowlands Professions and Profitable Old World Recipes to Craft for Maximum Gold Making: https://youtu.be/Kd-5fjREbB0

My Top 5 Tips for Dominating the Auction House: https://youtu.be/SVnxsJlpEnU

Top 5 Gold Making Routines to do Before Logging Out: https://youtu.be/LS-MyZ5ZA5g

How to Make Gold Efficiently with Timewalking: https://youtu.be/qcMDoo7Av-8

Top 5 Pieces of Legion Content You Can Now Solo (in Shadowlands): https://youtu.be/Irbc0OUI8Bw

8 Things You can do Once Per Character for Gold: https://youtu.be/0HeJDVub0OE

WoD Garrison Guide (still very relevant!): https://youtu.be/tv8w5_pL3Oo

Pandaria Farm Shuffle Guide (still very relevant): https://youtu.be/dEfHZCxbMYM

Non-Blizzard music by Lakey Inspired

#worldofwarcraft #shadowlands #goldmaking #wowgold


4 thoughts on “[Shadowlands Gold Guide] Semi-Afk, 1-2 Button Farms to do While Chilling to YouTube or Netflix!”

  1. If you want to check out the entire video of that Asmongold clip I showed in the intro, it's called "Asmongold reacts to autism (w/ twitch chat)" and here it is (it's hilarious): https://youtu.be/S64pt1-W8Y8

    😊Btw, I am back on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/lonmeasley

    💰Check out my hobby investing channel (right-click to open in a new tab): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT_ft73K-plgVhabLmSXaEQ

    🤑And here's my digital business channel (right-click to open in a new tab): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGUFWBmnphdX_Qg2vsBnDOQ/


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