I aggree with that destro lock is quite easy to pick up, but i would place it one tier higher to B because everyone hates destro sooooo much that you get tunnled all the time lol. jk C tier is fitting i guess because of so many schools of magic, you always can do something usefull.
I'd honnestly put ele higher than balance. It's way more complex in term of defensive plays with shears grounding hex thunderstorm and all you need way more awarness than a balance druid with spamable cc, instant and not on cooldown dots (while flame shock is on a cd). So its harder to spread dot as a ele and more defensively demanding imo.
Not sure how you consider marksman an easy class. Name another ranged class that has a skill shot cc, every other ranged has a targeted cc…some can even spam their cc. If you miss a trap on hunter, you lose pressure for 45 seconds. Marks also depends on kiting to survive since you basically only have 1 major defensive that is on a 3 min cd…all the while, micro managing a pet.
Fantastic content! Can you please do a healer one and also compare healer vs ranged vs melee at a high level? Which is the most difficult to easiest role?
PLEASE PLEASE make a caster survivability guide from worst to best. Please include self heals, dmg reduction, cc etc.. Great job supa! keep up the good work!
Im 2.2 cr as demo pre patch. I love the cc. I basically use observer, grimiore felguard (1st stun kill target) instant cast fel hunters (2 dog things talent for 20% more shadowflame dmg) . Then use ur axe toss kill traget (kill target is stunned 100% uptime so far) now tyrant 400% felstorm and coil kill target. With no trinket player will go 100-0 in axe toss axe toss coil.. Fear healer at this point. Tryant does almost 20k single target dmg if all 8 hit.
So are we not casting wrath or starfire in PvP at all? I always would cast it if I had a chance but mostly focused on moonfire-sunfire-starsurges shifting and landing clones. Just making sure I’m doing it right
I agree with most of this but you forgot shamans for utility and dps builds. To be optimized, you have to juggle flame shock, interrupts, stun totem, grounding totem, healing stream totem, hex, and elementals as well as weaving lava burst with other abilities to max out damage output. With lava surge procs nerfed, you can’t feasibly have good damage output with just lava burst procs and spamming cc and interrupts. May be a easy to learn hard to master spec to be honest.
Nearly 30 minutes bulcked with massive content, why no timestamps?
Hope you all enjoyed SP, from S to F tier with today patch x)
dont agree wirh affli its literally press 3 buttons, kite and enemy melts
and i say this as an affli myself lol
I;ve played ele sham and all 3 mage specs to 2.4+ and i've found ele to be much harder tbh
I aggree with that destro lock is quite easy to pick up, but i would place it one tier higher to B because everyone hates destro sooooo much that you get tunnled all the time lol. jk C tier is fitting i guess because of so many schools of magic, you always can do something usefull.
I'd honnestly put ele higher than balance. It's way more complex in term of defensive plays with shears grounding hex thunderstorm and all you need way more awarness than a balance druid with spamable cc, instant and not on cooldown dots (while flame shock is on a cd). So its harder to spread dot as a ele and more defensively demanding imo.
Not sure how you consider marksman an easy class. Name another ranged class that has a skill shot cc, every other ranged has a targeted cc…some can even spam their cc. If you miss a trap on hunter, you lose pressure for 45 seconds. Marks also depends on kiting to survive since you basically only have 1 major defensive that is on a 3 min cd…all the while, micro managing a pet.
Fantastic content! Can you please do a healer one and also compare healer vs ranged vs melee at a high level? Which is the most difficult to easiest role?
I had to stop watching after you put affliction into the most difficult category it is literally dot and run away lol
PLEASE PLEASE make a caster survivability guide from worst to best. Please include self heals, dmg reduction, cc etc.. Great job supa! keep up the good work!
Im 2.2 cr as demo pre patch. I love the cc. I basically use observer, grimiore felguard (1st stun kill target) instant cast fel hunters (2 dog things talent for 20% more shadowflame dmg) . Then use ur axe toss kill traget (kill target is stunned 100% uptime so far) now tyrant 400% felstorm and coil kill target. With no trinket player will go 100-0 in axe toss axe toss coil.. Fear healer at this point. Tryant does almost 20k single target dmg if all 8 hit.
So are we not casting wrath or starfire in PvP at all? I always would cast it if I had a chance but mostly focused on moonfire-sunfire-starsurges shifting and landing clones. Just making sure I’m doing it right
Brilliant! Loved the fact you had so much anguish choosing some of the positions. Complexity Max… But you fought well! Really helpful for me.
RIP Shadowpriest after today’s patch.
About time they got nerfed.
Great list overall. Caster in general are hard to master in pvp, especially if you only have one school of magic
have you guys seen this community? https://discord.gg/faFwPeXueR
ye good video im about it
Time stamps?
BM hunter is at the bottom of every list >.< lol
Good list. Everyone that makes fun of arcane being easy with 3 buttons hasn’t played it in 3-4 expansions lol
Demo S tier lol do you even played the class
I agree with most of this but you forgot shamans for utility and dps builds. To be optimized, you have to juggle flame shock, interrupts, stun totem, grounding totem, healing stream totem, hex, and elementals as well as weaving lava burst with other abilities to max out damage output. With lava surge procs nerfed, you can’t feasibly have good damage output with just lava burst procs and spamming cc and interrupts. May be a easy to learn hard to master spec to be honest.