Shadowlands Has Been An Embarrassment For World of Warcraft

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The time has come, it’s time to take a look back at WoW’s latest expansion, Shadowlands.
What went well for the MMO? And what just completely failed this time around?
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27 thoughts on “Shadowlands Has Been An Embarrassment For World of Warcraft”

  1. I played on launch day. I was psyched to play my spriest and my pally tank. I can throw 4 shields now and make it look like my enemies won some holy vegas jackpot? sign me up! I hit 60 and was like…. "This is all busy work. I literally don't give a shit about anything that is happening. Wh… why tho? Why is my favorite game so shit now?" Went back to TBC and haven't been back. sigh The lore was trash and the end game felt like when you do something bad in class and the teacher makes you write lines over and over again as punishment. "I will be forced to enjoy the maw. I will be forced to enjoy the maw." Ok, I enjoy challenges but that wasn't challenging it was just uninteresting and so was choregast. I'm just over the game now. I want my class to feel like a class again instead of every class feeling nearly the same with different animations. I want the story to not be "Horde leader bad now. Big bad actually misunderstood." It's been stale and the overall feel of the game is not fun.

  2. Anxious to see WOTLK completely take over all WoW subscribers. I just can’t imagine modern retail wow can compete with what many consider to be peak wow. Blizz might as well not even release an expansion until WOTLK ends.

  3. If the Devs were truly listening they would of abandoned Covenants and their powers and how they were doing Legendaries in Alpha. They wouldn't of had such unrealistic convoluted systems (they were warned about) that literally get in the way of having a good game. BFA wasn't good but 8.3 at least all the systems synergized for some EPIC fun to be had. In SL they said we are going to throttle fun by adding things NO ONE asked for with stat DR's, patch to patch armor/block nerfs to go along with a fundamentally flawed game. The zones, the class design, the systems, the story were unbearable and so it is by far the worst expansion. I just can't bring myself to play something that is so poorly done from so many points of backwards wrong game philosophies. They need to fire Ion, he is bad at his job. He was a good Raid designer but has NO VISION on what a good game looks like. I have little faith in 10.0 unless they get New Devs and change everything.

  4. The A team vs B team expansion theory, that a bad expansion follows a good, I'm really not sure if that's true. For example, people who left the game for a couple expansions and came back during one of the "Bad" ones, I think you'll find that they'll hold that expansion in higher regards than what your average person will say.

    Theres expansions with obvious shortcomings, like WoD and Shadowlands both having content cut. But from personal experience, I came back to WoW during WoD, and I actually enjoyed WoD more than Legion per time spent. In WoD, I could raid, keep my characters up to date, and have a life outside of the game.

    7:00 I don't think having legion legendary tokens at the start would have been a good solution at all. Literally everyone would have just picked the same one making most of them just meaningless. Better initial tuning would have helped (Fire damage bracers were like 10% more total dmg over all other fire mage legos for example). I think legendaries creating difference between players was a pretty cool idea.

    But the problem with RNG systems creating different characters is that WoW has become so competitively focused over the years. PvP in particular, small % differences matter a lot, and with the newly added M+ system, players want to push as far as they can go. In Mythic raiding, every little bit helps early on, so players feel cheated if they can't get the best.

    Its why I think covenants not working out really is the deathknell of WoW's RPG side. They just cannot get player choice to ever matter in the game anyone in terms of character building.

  5. They should try to eliminate boosting in the next expansion. It makes the game far too heavily pay-to-win and makes people far too reluctant to play the game normally.

  6. Shadowlands at this point is not even WARCRAFT so it really doeant make any difference if the expansion is good or bad, its not what literally says in the game…

  7. ALSO what i think will come next" i think that IF we do, do the Dragon expansion all the leaks have been showing up, i feel like that the Old God really won, and we have been dead this whole time, and the dragons and Old God(s) have been in a war this whole time and are finally getting pushed back, so now they find all the player characters and bring them back to life and we get infused with Dragon power to become this new dragon hybred race, and we fight along side ALL the dragons to stop the old gods with the Black Dragons being fully restored

  8. Theres probably some truth to the idea that covid and the lawsuits sent shadowlands intended arc off the rails, but the mess that it ended up being feels more like a bunch of unqualified people scrambling to do a job they dont know how to do bc the people who knew everything left or got fired. Im not sure if the arrogance is part of the NDA but it feels like watching an obviously drunk bus driver drive drunk and refuse to admit maaaaybe he shouldnt be driving but what choice does he have? Hes gotta get everyone home. We understand its shitty blizz, so just aplogize and lets move on. Meanwhile all i can think about is how awesome a rocket laucher that shoots sharks that spawn more sharks would be. Hopefully they add that in 10.0! 😂👍

  9. Next expansion needs to reveal how we've been living inside N'zoth's nightmare ever since, bear with me, Cataclysm. Make Wow 2.0 and take off from ending of WOTLK story-wise.

  10. Blizzard thinks that forcing us to play is the right answer. The game should make us want to play because of how fun and cool it is. Take the chores out and give us fun things to do with a awesome story.

  11. I played thru the main story quests and made it to level cap I think… Its an ok single player game, in that even when I was playing dungeons or whatever the people in my group were silent. They may as well have been NPCs. It has over the top spell effects and an allied race available for every stupid little niche interest out there. I think the next one will just be more of the same. I play classic and really enjoy the way it used to be, not the bloated monstrosity that it has become. My days with a wow sub are numbered. Ill keep playing until the end of WotLK classic but then Im out. I doubt Ill even look at the next expansion unless I heard some seriously high praise from people who are usually harsh and critical in their judgements.


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