Shadowlands Healer Tier List PVP (BETA CONCLUSION)

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Shadowlands Healer Tier List PVP (BETA CONCLUSION)


24 thoughts on “Shadowlands Healer Tier List PVP (BETA CONCLUSION)”

  1. I actually disagree. My list would look like this ( I think I might do a video pepethink)
    S = disc , sham , druid
    A = pal
    B = holy mw

    btw. I liked the video tho

  2. Supatease, you've done a phenomenal job with content leading up to SL. I've watched nearly everything you've put out and it's been fantastic. Please keep up the hard work and I wish you the best my man!

  3. I can't decide if I want to stick to my MW or swap to resto shaman… I'm a bit afraid that riptide will get nerfed ( as it happened in bfa start) and at that point I would have traded my old mw for another not so good healer ( I bellive that if riptide gets nerfed a lot shaman might be bad)…
    And at the same time I feel like mw just can't survive stuns in shadowlands….any advice?

  4. Thanks for the video supa! So I'm currently debating which specs to play and have narrowed it down to my main either a disc priest or resto druid, and my alt either dk or warrior. Would love input from anyone!

  5. Legion holy paladin is hands down my favorite, being able to use a two hander made the holy paladin fantasy that much more amazing. It's a shame they didn't stick with that idea.


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