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Castle Nathria and Mythic+ Shadowlands Healer Tier List Rankings
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Music by Chillhop Music
Strehlow – Cocktail Hour
Copyright Chillhop Music –
Intro: (0:00)
Foreword: (0:05)
Castle Nathria Data: (0:16)
Castle Nathria Rankings: (1:40)
Mythic+ Data: (2:23)
Mythic Rankings: (3:00)
Outro: (4:59)
Man I was just as surprised as you were when it came to Hpal! Very happy Hpal is not as bad as we all assumed it would be. Very surprised there were no rdruids in their comps, totally expected to have a higher number. Overall great video!
You will never get papa's estate
The intro vibe, good job brother
Almost at 2K, just another step on the way to 10M.
never played a healer before and decided to play it on shadowlands, i picked disc priest and im having a blast. on the alliance im working on a resto druid
Make bdk a healer and bring frost back as tank
Agree with everything except I would put Holy Priest on top of MW and Druid for raiding. Having both Salv and Hymn is just more reliable than just a revival or tranq.
Nice job blizz, having a lot of fun on my holy Paladin, was scared my holy pal wasn’t going to be great so I went back to my arms warrior (also not the greatest lol) but I’m for sure coming back to my holy pal lookin forward to gearing him up
Holy paladin main!
I started playin Rshaman but got on my Hpally to test it out and haven't been back sence.
Cries in Mistweaver
I've been loving both my disc and resto druid. Pvp disc is in such a great spot and counters most of the meta. Resto is sleeper op in pvp impo, I cant wait to run spell cleaves and use boomie convokes to secure kills
I’ve been a priest since wrath. Healed since wrath too, mostly mained priest but also raided and pvpd as holy pally. I’m decently strong with rsham too. Mw and rdruid are definitely my weaker healers. But disc… completely useless at it. I can do more dps and hps as holy, and have always been a reactionary healer. Not the pre-emptive, small window of bubble healing most the raid and patch healing the rest of the time.
I even went venthir for disc, shadow pvp, pve and mythic/raiding. I didn’t even pick it for holy because I’m capable enough without it.
I barely even ran the holy conduits and didn’t get my legendary until today.
My main healer is Fistweaving monk. Currently sitting at 180 (not with the secondary stats I would prefer). While I was playing in LFR I was the second top healer 1/3 and top 2/3. I noticed refreshing jade wind, essence font, and ancient teaching were very strong in those raids.
I'm having a blast as mistweaver. A resto druid and I are killing heroic progression, amongst a resto shaman, holy paladin & disc priest. Sadly I loved the fistweaving lego, and parsed higher with it before everyone got their hands on Tear of Morning. But I'm still fistweaving with Tear of Morning, still pulling the highest hps, still pulling more dps than our disc priest & parsing 90+ for damage. Don't know if that speaks to our other healers or not, there's so many factors that influence logs as a healer.