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World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 9.0 Shadowlands Beta Holy Paladin healer ranged build overview video. This video covers how paladin healing might change with holy light buffs and the introduction of Resplendent Light conduit! I look at paladin healing in raids and mythic plus content for Shadowlands expansion.
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Patch 8.0 World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth expansion.
00:00 Intro
00:35 Buffs
01:28 Raid Gameplay
07:26 Legendaries
08:04 Dungeon Gameplay
09:20 Summary
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Melee or Ranged? 🤔
I hate the melee playstyle. I hate being in melee. I wish we could go back to wrath hpally. You could either be a tank healer or raid heal with a glyph and if you wanted you could be in melee but it didn't destroy your healing if you didn't want to crusader strike.
Square peg, round hole. No thanks.
My issue with the long cast time is that with rolling hots and other class heals, the ranged paladin will get sniped a ton. Can you please find a raid and show us what this would look like?
Nobody: Paladin needs a rework.
Blizzard: Reworks Paladin.
Im fine with dpsing as a healer but hate being melee. Really hope ranged holy pala is viable.
2.5 sound long….. and it is. But… it is almost like playing shaman. they have long cast time heals too. I think it is just something to get used too.
and another important thing with range is that you don´t need to move as much as if you are in melee. those M+ affix like the tornado crap looks shit. so great with option for Range paly.
So they are bringing back holy radiance
That looks like the most boring, cancer healer ever… Also it will suck. 2second cast means you just got sniped by someone else's heal.
You can hate me for that but I think we should have either Glimmer or Beacon of Virtue baseline.
Honestly, I was a Holy Paladin back in vanilla and I loved running in to judge the boss and running back out to the healers in ranged. I'd be excited for the potential back and forth if it was fun to play and kept paladins busy like they used to be in vanilla.
Seeing this sort of build for paladin makes me a lot more interested in considering it as a main in SL. I'm curious to see how this plays out. I'd love to see this be viable in m+, as well. I'm having a really tough time deciding between priest, druid and paladin as a main.
How is holypally in pvp ?
But the stupid mastery will force us back into Mele.Does anyone find it stupid that they are forcing us to heal are beacon thus negating the extra heal? Like wtf that’s so stupid….
maybe go beacon of virtue then get more holy power in aoe damage
If they made judgement generate holy power it could work better than you can use judgement of light as well and get a double benefit from the gcd
This sounds abit bad. Like why be a pseudo ranged healer in raid. Will prob do shit damage and get sniped by shamans. If you want to play a ranged healer, you might as well play a proper ranged healer
Glimmer is fun, but to me it’s the DH of healers. 3key strokes and it’s Now incredibly powerful and brain dead. I liked legion with the tier bonus for getting crit HS and infusion procs and slam on the BoV. We could do just fine range but still get in there and melee before. Glimmer did not make us “melee” it just gave us insane healer dps in melee. I’m going back to Bestow faith/beacon of virtue.
If range holy paladin becomes viable, I will go back to playing WOW. Hate being forced to dps as a healer.
Wotlk Is back for Holy paladins, also the cast has been reduced to 2 secs
It was quite obvious that ranged holy paladin will return eventually. As for the mythic+ content I must disagree with what you have said in your video and hear me out on this. You are pointing out that holy light has 2.5sec CD but it will depend on your haste stat. It won't be a huge difference because if you are aiming to play ranged holy paladin you want to have infusions of light most of the times therefore you will most likely prioritize critical stat so your holy shock will crit most of the times but for the sake of proving my point let's say it actually is 2.5sec CD.
In a mythic+ scenario even with that long cast you can EASILY top out whole party just with 1 solid Holy Light with Beacon of Virtue. In case of AoE burst paladin will have really solid assortiment of abilities (Divine Toll, Holy Prism, Devotion Aura and beacons) and in general it is a very versatile healer thanks to utilities. You will be losing some dps, but it doesn't mean that you won't be moving around leaving consecration on the ground at your mob packs, ocassionaly slamming them with CS and Holy Prism/Judgment. You won't be rotating CS non stop as a ranged holy paladin, but as melee you most likely won't be doing that neither. The main reason for that is mana cost of CS + recent mana drink changes. I think that in terms of ratio mana:healing, the ranged build will be more efficient than Glimmeradin mainly because of that.
I don't believe that we will see playstyle anywhere close to what it was like in terms of "dynamics" in BfA anytime soon in Shadowlands. In my opinion Blizzard is taking few step backwards in order to find a bridge between what it was like back then in Vanilla, TBC, WotLK and Legion/BfA. I wouldn't be suprised if ranged paladin dominates the meta at the beginning then maybe in later stages Shadowlands with introduction of sets we will witness the return of glimmer power or it maybe completely opposite. We'll see. As I wrote at the beginning I pretty much knew that ranged paladin will be back this expansion the very moment they announced the comeback of Holy Power and I'm happy about it. No matter the meta I'm definately going to play it.
Hey Skillz, I love your UI, do you have any links to your profile or weakauras you're using?
nope its not viable :p not enough hp generation outside of cs
how can u not use crusader strike its too op u get hp u can just holy avenger holyshock cs lod holy shock cs lod holy shock
AKA TOO AFRAID TO FIGHT LIKE A WARRIOR OF LIGHT BUILD? Ha ha!!! Also i dont care what build is the best. I am punch those bastards in ther faces with my SUNWELL infused hammer!
I will not ever DPS as a healer.
The mana cast on Crusader Strike is a ridiculous and poorly thought out attempt to nerf the glimmer build.
If they make holy pally ranged it will become a choice for SL if not then no
I would love to play ranged I hope it's going to be the thing.
I am utterly disappointed with the way Blizzard is treating the Holy Paladin spec. As If we didnt have literally any other healer class/spec doing RANGED heals, we now have to SETTLE with that on the paladin? A PLATE SWORD AND SHIELD WEARER HEALER… I will NOT use another meta healer this xpac. I will endure as a holy paladin whatever it takes. THEY NEED to realize how unique that is, and why they shouldnt take it away. MELEE HOLY PALADINS I FEEL YOUR PAIN! WE ARE IN OUR DARKEST HOUR.
I definitely do use holy light sometimes in keys
It’s obvious that lots of Paladins have started playing the game in this xpac, because this build is literally just going to back to what holy Paladin used to be lmao
Really hate the whole dps healer meta. I just like focusing on healing D: don't like getting in mele as my healer
super stoked, always preferred caster hpal, looking forward to running this! as long as its comparable performance, will 100% run some iteration of the caster hpal
my friend calls you " all of sudden" guy. You make me laugh when I hear "all of sudden" now lol.
I would love the Idea of having a rang option for raid, beacause I find it quite uncompftble to be a melee with my 10 other meeles. In Mithic+ I like beeing able to have a good dps and beeing able to heal. So I think it would be amazing if this (raid ranges and mitic + melee) is a viable option!
Why not Beacon of Virtue to get more power and use more world of glory for "free"???
if you use beacon of virtue, then casting stuff on beacon targets is worth 😀
I've tryinging out different combos in pre-patch, and I have a feeling that you can combine the holy light spec with word of glory fairly well, where you try and push holy power generation into procing as many word of glory as you can since you get that for free mana. You do lose your dps ability, that's for sure, but you can handle long drawn out battles with a very high mana efficiency. I really want to give it a try with conduits and legendaries though.
I agree that it should be alternative to vanila healing style – more melee dmg involved. But IMO it shouldn't be the go to build. It should provide less healing since you're contributing elsewhere. I want my old school hard caster paladin :/
Fantastic, waiting to see if a ranged hpala will be viable before purchasing shadowlands!
if paladin mastery change maybe it be could happend range paladin healer
from a Top 10 US Hpally i honestly hate the Mele playstyle of holy atm, Much more of a fan of ranged casting.