Shadowlands Hunter Soulforge Embers Legendary: Tips, macro and weak aura

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General info about how Soulforge Embers works.

My Macro
/castsequence [@cursor] reset=24 Tar Trap, Flare, Flare

this macro gives a reasonable cushion to allow the reset for tar trap

Also below is my Weak Aura for Flare being available, very simple WA.



29 thoughts on “Shadowlands Hunter Soulforge Embers Legendary: Tips, macro and weak aura”

  1. I’ve just quickly done some maths to highlight the approximate difference between flaring once per tar trap, and flaring twice

    If you hit 2, the second flare will hit and burn for 12 seconds, but you would have to wait about 15 seconds after cast for it to reset again to fire tar trap. If we do this again we get 48 seconds of up time (4×12) in 65 seconds. If we pop one per tar trap it will burn for just 24 seconds in 50. This maths doesn’t factor in gcd times so might be slightly off

    This theoretically adds some fluidity- if a pack will die quickly or will move, rendering the tar trap useless, then 1 flare may be the way to go. For sustained damage, 2 tar traps should give about 50% more dps

  2. After tar trap goes off, how long do you have to wait until you can cast flare, so that it works? The one time you did it, it didn't work because flare was casted too soon after tar trap?

  3. This deserves a sub. Thanks, I hate it since it’s hard to locate mobs during a hectic boss fight to waste 2 globals but I understand it better now. I changed over to the BW cloak and works out better for me anyways, increase in my dps.

  4. I just made this today and I hate it!!. its not worth the mats or time, the 2 GCD's it requires simply make it a dps loss in a M+. Most fights the tanks move around alot so you dont get the 2nd flare in the tar in time. And i've had it before where i place the trap, fire the flare and it doesnt ignite the tar.. nothing happens. I've wasted 2 GCD's and im alrteady behind on the DPS.. this isnt your fault but im just letting other BM hunters know its not that good, Great video and very helpful but in reality for me, its not viable in M+ sadly! 🙁

  5. I like SFE because I'm an impatient man, sometimes i spend too many focus on cobrashot and since i didn't hv anything to do there's when SFE comes in. I track my tartrap cd when it was only 3 second left i push cobrashot like crazy then launched tar+flare

  6. Dear Blizzard.

    Here's some feedback for the Hunter legendary [Mask of Soulforge Embers]

    This item as it's current state is both kind of clunky and very underwhelming, thus I have two suggestions to make it more in line with some of the better legendaries:

    1) Remove the cap of it only damaging 5 enemies

    2) Make it so that enemies that walks into the flared trap also gets the damaging debuff, instead of only the mobs that's in the tar trap when it's initially flared.

  7. First off thank you for making this content, but I'm not going to lie, the breathing into the mic made this unwatchable for me, ATM. It was just giving me the nails on a chalkboard heebie jeebie type feeling is how to describe it. Keep making videos thank you for your time and content.

  8. Dude, I had the longest, hardest day yesterday. Was about to go to bed and thought " fk it, I'll try to get my embers. And I'll be damned it dropped. Then , so did the trinket off of 2nd boss. Was so stoked..


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