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Shadowlands Intro with All Cutscenes – The Jailer Army, Oribos, Sylvanas, Oribos
When Sylvanas shattered the Helm of Domination, she was touched by the power it released. To rescue leaders, the shattered helm can open a path.
We find Anduin being kept captive by Sylvanas.The Jailer’s forces start to attack and we use waystone to Oribos.
The Helm fragment connected us while you were in the Maw. As if through a darkened pane of glass, I saw glimpses of what you endured. The terrors you faced. At least the heroes of Azeroth yet live. They must be saved. By affixing the Helm here, you gave us a tether to Azeroth that served to bring a few of us across the veil.
Tommorow Bastion!
Shadowlands Questlines and Scenarios:
I guess soon we will see current heroes talk about Arthas’s legacy as it was said in the interview
well im glad i quit and handed out 1.4m gold back in september
i expect that tyrande not become a villan, i think she are being a little irrational
when will we see arthas
When is gonna Arthas appear?
ty for this playlist 🙂
Why doesn't the all so powerful Tyrande just come in and wipe out the Jailer solo-style….
Still haven't complete pandera expansion yet. Quit your job and life and dedicate to this game.
so basically after saying that the player will need help, bolvar just gives him 20 DKs to do it instead of this being a preface to a raid by saying he'll need his friends. wow shadowlands, best singleplayer experience in a multiplayer title.
14:47 – Thrall, please be more careful…